Tonight You Look So Pretty

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Over the next few weeks, Calum has healed immensely, both mentally and physically. The dark colours staining his body has faded incredibly, a healthy glow beginning to shine from his skin. He's starting to become less skittish, jumping less at loud noises and flinching less when something gets too close to his face. I've never been happier to see him healing so well, his smile becoming more prominent, laughter lines creasing at the corners of his eyes.

Even with these improvements, Calum still has a long way to go before he is good as new. Luke snuck into his brain like a parasite, feeding him negative thoughts about himself and his outlook on life, controlling him as though Calum was nothing but a host body for Luke's mind. I can still see the insecurity in his eyes when he looks at himself in the mirror, the hesitation before asking for something he wants. More often than not, I have to persuade him to tell me what he wants due to him being used to staying quiet.

I don't know half the things that Luke did to him while they were together, considering Calum keeps the details fairly private. I just know that I need to be as caring and as lenient as possible so Calum knows it's okay to speak his mind.

Today is an off day for work, so we both have been lounging on the couch all day, watching television and cuddled up in blankets. I've been pressed up next to him, watching the screen with him, but inside I've been too excited to move. I have a huge surprise for Calum that's currently in my bedroom, and I've been waiting for the right moment to give it to him.

I was talking to my mum a few days ago and she suggested something that would help Calum heal mentally from everything with Luke, so I did everything I could to get this for him. I'm nearly bouncing in my seat in anticipation.

Finally, as Calum's television show comes to a close, I turn and look at him. "Hey, Cal?"

He glances up at me expectantly. "Yep?"

"I have a surprise for you," I tell him, and I watch his eyebrows pull together in confusion. "I'm going to go get it. Will you stay here while I do?"

Calum blinks, looking hesitant. "Okay..."

I pat his knee before standing up, leaving Calum curled up under a pile of blankets. He watches me as I leave, and I quickly hurry down the hallway to my room, pushing the door open.

I breathe a sigh of relief when I see the crate pushed against the wall where I left it, the medium sized dog wagging his tail inside. He claws against the crate's bars eagerly, whining excitedly.

"Shh, hush," I say quickly, dropping to my knees as I open the crate as quietly as possible. The dog bounces out of the crate, nearly slipping right past me but I gently pick him up before he can. He's a puppy, still extremely young, but big enough already that I know he'll be pretty large as an adult.

The dog squirms in my arms as I carry him out of the bedroom, my heart pounding in my chest with nerves. Calum has told me about his love for dogs, but I have no idea how he'll react to this. I know it's a risk, but I want to do everything I can to help Calum get better. My mother said dogs can help relieve stress and help after traumatic events, so I figured it might be good.

I inch around the corner, standing in the doorway as Calum looks up, his eyes widening. He doesn't do or say anything for a moment, just staring at the dog in my arms with parted lips. My heart drops, sinking into my chest like a brick. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all.

But then Calum breaks into a smile, pushing the blankets off his legs and leaping off the couch, joining me as I place the restless dog on the ground. I watch as the dark haired boy sits down, letting the dog jumps onto his shoulders, licking Calum's face.

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