Chapter 14

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Faith POV:

I have an interview today. I haven't talked to anyone, or really done anything relating to my career since my memory blanked out for a bit. Chris tells me to be natural, kind, and honest. I just hope I don't slip up and say something accidentally. 

The reporter begins to ask me about how my memory was lost, and I tell her honestly. The camera man sits awkwardly over her shoulder, pointing the massive camera at my face. The room is cozy, meant to mimic a farm house living room. It's really a massive office building downtown. 

"So if you know about the abuse, then why are you still with him?" She asks curiously. I take a deep breath and think carefully. 

"Well, he's been nothing but good to me since I've been out of the hospital. He and I have a lot of history, both good and bad, and I can't imagine being without him right now." I answer. She bites her lip, obviously disheartened by my answer. 

"If he ever hurt you again, would you leave?" She asks quietly. I nod, without a doubt. 

"Absolutely. I'm hoping that what happened was a wake up call. I mean, we have children together, and a life together... I don't think he's going to throw that away for a temporary high." I feel my chest grow tight at the thought. 

"Speaking of your family, news has come out about you and Tim having another child when you were much younger. What do you have to say about that?" 

"We were seventeen, and naive. Um, my mother had taken off when I was fourteen, right after I had started dating Tim, and she had been pretty critical about us both, so I think part of the reason this whole thing happened was to prove her wrong. I mean, this was by no means intentional, but we kept her because we wanted her, and wanted a family. She was about seven when she died from a heart disease, and we had a very hard time coming to terms with that, especially Tim." I answer, looking around the room. 

"What was she like?" The reporter asks. 

"She was beautiful. Her name was Blaire, and she was our baby girl. We made a lot of sacrifices to take care of her, and give her the best life possible. Tim worked sixteen hours a day, and went to night school. He came home and slept about three hours before heading back to work. I mean, we had a lot of hard times, but I wouldn't take it back."

"What was it like back then?" 

"Perfect... I mean, Tim was working constantly till she was about four, and we started to generate steady income. Then it was kind of like the american dream. The whole town loved her, and took care of her like she was their own, and she kind of just lit up the world. She made life beautiful, and worth it." I remember, staring at the floor. 

"What was it like when you lost her?" She asks, faking a pained tone. I look up at her, feeling my heart wrench. 

"It was like having your heart just torn from your chest. I've never been so absolutely disgusted with the world in my life. I didn't know how or why someone would take something like that away in that way... I remember screaming at the top of my lungs, wrapping myself around a pillow while Tim held me and did the same. We were heartbroken. We just fell into a deep depression, before we decided to come to Nashville." I feel tears well up in my eyes. I hate this. I hate talking about this when Tim's not beside me. 

"People from Start have said that you used to drink fairly often. Is that true?" She asks, making me cringe. 

"I was an alcoholic." I admit, without stuttering. The reporter widens her eyes. "Especially after what happened to Blaire. I used to go out and drink to try and just forget about her essentially. I hit a really dark part of my life, where I'd wake up beside another man, not knowing where I was and how I got there because I drank so much the night before. Tim would come find me and take me home without a question." I stop myself before continuing to talk. The interviewer looks surprised as she scribbles down notes. 

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