Chapter 29

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Tim POV: 

We sit in the hospital for a second time today, listening to the doctor say she's lucky she didn't drown. She completely lost all control of her body, and just sank down like a rock. He says her panic led her to ingest more water than she coughed up, and that she was lucky that she wasn't alone. She had to remain in the hospital for a few hours until they can pump out all the water.

Faith says that she was down there for what seemed like an eternity, but in reality she was only down there ten seconds tops. Once I saw her shut her eyes while floating, I threw off my jacket and jumped in. I know how quickly she can lose consciousness now, especially with these new tumors. It only took me about three seconds to swim down, and get a hold of her. The rest was spent swimming back up. 

She's nearly silent now, and still is have trouble moving. She can't quite open her hands yet, and her arms are completely straight. She looks so uncomfortable. Seeing her this sick makes me feel guilty. I'd switch places in a millisecond. 

The worst part ultimately has to be the fact that we are lying to the press. At first, it wasn't a lie. She was supposed to get better, until they began to find more tumors. After releasing that she was getting better, Faith didn't want to come back saying that she's dying. She wants them to see her as the strong woman she is, not this sick suffering woman. 

But she is sick, and she is suffering. I don't know how else to put it. The worst thing is when her memory dissipates suddenly. 

The doctors come in, and give me her discharge paperwork, before granting her permission to leave. 

A Few Days Later 

"Dad!" I hear Gracie shriek in the middle of the night. I wake up to find Faith's side of the bed empty. I quickly get up, and fly down the stairs without a second thought. I look around downstairs to see the back door wide open, and Faith standing on the edge of the dock at the pond with my pistol in her hand. Gracie stands back far enough from her not to startle her, but Faith is sobbing. 

"Faith, baby what is wrong?" I ask, trying to be gentle, and calm. She turns to face us, her back to the pond. She pulls back the safety on the pistol, making me grow tense. "It's going to be alright, honey." I reassure her, not sure whether her memory is gone, or if she's completely aware. "What year is it?" I ask, trying to keep her from pressing the gun against her head. 

"1998." She spits out, her voice sounding raw. "You hurt me..." She whispers, sounding small, but angry. She narrows her eyes at me, making me grow tense. 

"Baby, I'm sorry." I say honestly. "I wasn't in my right mind. I shouldn't have touched you. You deserve better." I try to keep her calm, and tell her that she's in the right. She bites her lip, and clenches her jaw tightly. Gracie slowly tip toes closer to me, distracting Faith for a millisecond. 

"I hate you." She spit out. "You disgust me." She begins to scream, grasping her stomach tightly. This must've been the night after she got the abortion. That must be what she's remembering right now... She shakes for a moment, tears streaming down her cheeks quickly. "I hope you burn in hell you son of a bitch..." She releases, falling quiet for a second, before raising the pistol up, and firing round after round.... 

I fall back onto the grass, and squirm. There's a bullet uncomfortably lodged in my hip, as well as one in my chest. I hear footsteps on the wooden dock, and then see her emerge over me, before pointing the gun at my head. I look into her green eyes, which stare back at me as if I were a criminal. 

"Faith, please..." I start to plead, catching Gracie in the corner of my eye. She stands frozen, not wanting to get shot herself. Faith looks a little conflicted for a moment, her memory starting to come back. Unfortunately, her memory comes back a moment to late, as a loud crack sounds. 

I feel nearly paralyzed. I can clench my fists, but that's about it. Gracie screeches, as Faith drops the gun, and starts to wail. She stares at me, screaming as hard as she can, before going to grab the gun once more. Mustering all the strength inside of me, I grab the gun before she can get to it. 

"Oh my god... Oh my god..." She repeats, wrapping her arms around herself tightly. She looks around, before spotting Gracie and freezing. She shakes her head, and covers her eyes. Gracie runs inside and calls for an ambulance, while Faith sobs beside me, refusing to touch me. 

"I just came to right as the last one went in... and... and... I saw him fall limp. I thought I killed him." She shrieks, talking to the doctor about it. The doctors are dumbfounded. They have no clue what to do. She nearly paralyzed me... The doctors leave her for a moment, so she remains in the room with me. 

"I'm okay." I reassure her, feeling sore as hell. She swallows hard, and crosses her arms in front of her. She shakes her head quickly, and shuts her eyes. "It wasn't your fault." I tell her, but she doesn't listen. 

"I shot you..." She releases. I bite my lip, and look at her closely. 

"Were you going to shoot yourself?" I finally ask what's been on my mind for the last few hours. She stares at me for a minute, before nodding. I cringe, and become thankful that I grabbed the gun. 

"I hurt you... I nearly killed you." She cries, hugging herself tightly now. I shake my head, and reach out toward her. 

"Nothing worse than I've done to you. I'm fine." I convince her. He looks at me hesitantly, before taking my hand and squeezing it. "I love you." I say, sparing her a smile. She spares me one in response. 

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