Chapter 21

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Faith POV: 

I wait out by the sinks, fixing up my makeup while Carrie pees in one of the stalls. I look at my black blouse and tight black jeans, along with my strappy heels. I look pretty good. 

"Do you like Matt?" She shouts from the stall, as if the thin metal door would muffle her voice. I shrug, and look down in the sink. 

"I don't know. He's younger..." I say, leaning against the sink and looking at the stalls. 

"Being a cougar isn't a crime. He's sweet." She says, flushing the toilet and emerging from the stall. She rinses her hands, and brushes the bottom of her black dress. "We need to order a big bottle of red." She says, pushing the door open, and leading us back into the packed restaurant. We stop by the bar, and order an overpriced bottle of wine, and quickly pour two glasses before making it back to the table. In the time we've been gone, the number of guys has doubled. 

"Faith! This is Frank, and Dan." Mike introduces me, before wrapping his arm around Carrie and kissing her forehead. They're so in love. 

"Nice to meet you guys." I say dismissively. Carrie's been pushing me to date again, but I refuse. This was a chance to get her to shut up for a bit. The guys awkwardly hoover for a moment while Carrie and I gossip, before slowly peeling themselves away. 

"I need another beer. You two need anything?" Mike says, motioning toward the bar. We shake our heads, before I decide to get courteous. 

"I'll get it!" I volunteer, shouting over the booming crowd that has packed themselves in this small restaurant. I run up to the bar, and order a beer and water. I tap the bar as I wait for the bartender to come back with the order. 

"Fancy seeing you here." I hear a warm voice. I turn around to see two warm brown eyes looking at me with a bright smile. The sight is friendly for a brief moment, till my common sense puts me in check. My chest grows tight, as I freeze, looking up at him. 

"What are you doing here?" I ask quietly, sounding angry. He takes a deep breath, trying to maintain a smile. He places his warm hand comfortably on my arm and smiles at it. 

"It's not a bar, Faith." He laughs slightly, looking up at me with those puppy dog eyes. He looks good, very good. "I didn't think I'd ever see you..." He starts, getting a little scary eyed. The look is short-lived. 

"You shouldn't be here." I say, grabbing Mike's beer and my water. I slip a credit card to the bartender, and nervously tap the bar. He sees this, and nods slowly. 

"You mean I shouldn't be here with you?" He says, sounding sad about the revelation. The bartender returns with my credit card, and vanishes. 

"You hurt me." I counter, trying to not let myself feel bad. He nods, and breathes deeply. 

"I wasn't in my right mind. You know that." He justifies. 

"Therapy didn't work before you damn near killed me. Why would it work now, Tim?" I start to raise my voice, but calm myself down to avoid making a scene. I grab the beer and water and start walking back to the table, Tim following closely. 

"I know you're not going to believe me, but I'm better... I'm okay now." He says, before locking eyes with Carrie a few feet away from the table. Carrie glares at him, while I awkwardly walk up to the table. Mike puffs up his chest, preparing to protect his girl, and his girl's best friend. I look back at Tim, and watch him walk away. 

For some reason, watching him walk away feels painful. It feels as if he attached a fish hook into my chest, and was tugging on it harder and harder the further he goes. Maybe he's right. Maybe he's better... 

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