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"A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life; Whole misadventures piteous overthrows do with their death bury their parents' strife...," Karlie reads aloud, her voice carrying over the sounds of nature's ambient music by the river where she sat.

Under the shade of a tall oak, in her hand a torn copy of the greatest love story ever written - or so they say. Her green eyes scan the lines on the page, lost in its flowery words from another age and with the imaginary portrayal in her head.

"Romeo and Juliet is a load of bullshit," a woman's voice says out of nowhere.

Karlie looks up from her reading, her interest suddenly piqued by the presence of a stranger. Who the hell was that? She searches for the source of the sing-song voice with a firm tone.

"What makes you say that?" she asks seemingly speaking only to the air.

"Because it sets unrealistic and idiotic standards about love. A love like theirs doesn't exist. In fact, it shouldn't exist. Look where it brought them - to their deaths," the voice replies.

You must be fun at parties. The brunette wasn't one to give in to a debate-of-sorts so easily and casually throws in her counter-argument, "That's why it's fiction!" she laughs.

"I find it incredibly romantic, to be honest," she pauses and leafs through the yellowed pages, "Forbidden love, defending it at all costs against those who oppose, doing anything and everything you can because the person you're doing it for is worth it. They both knew it would be rough and they both made sacrifices because their love for each other was worth it all and more."

"Nice try," the voice laughs in response. Karlie closes the book and stands trying to pinpoint the source of the sound. She must be cute with a laugh like that. It was like a child's giggle, you could picture the smile just by hearing it. And did Karlie want to hear more of it at every moment possible; there was nothing more beautiful to hear.

She walks around the perimeter of the tree's trunk to the riverbank, still in search of the mystery woman when she hears her speak once more, "I still think it sucks. That ending? Horrible! If I could change it, I would."

"Oh yeah? What would you change it to?" she asks. Her raised eyebrow and playful smile reflected in the sunlight she stands under, as she looks toward the treetops still in search.

A sudden drop from one of the higher branches lands with a thud and catches Karlie's attention. That's her?! Even in the shadows, the woman's long blonde hair glistened with the few rays of light that came in through the leaves. Her back was to Karlie who could only see her by the white oxford blouse, jeans, and red sneakers she wore. "Nobody dies...and well, Juliet wouldn't end up with Romeo the fuckboy. Not until they both get some sense knocked into them, at least."

Ooh, touché! Come on Karlie, think of something smart to say. Instead, she is rendered speechless by this girl and can only manage a laugh in response. "I can see the headlines now! Shakespeare re-written: Romeo, the non-idiot fuckboy, & Juliet, who realizes she doesn't need a man to be happy," she says in the most serious voice she could muster while in a fit of laughter.

The sound of the blonde's laughter joins in with Karlie's, creating a warmth in the air that makes the autumn chill disappear. As she turns around to face Karlie, the brunette can't help but feel like she'd gotten the wind knocked out of her. The girl from my dreams! But...not exactly. Can it be her?? Her jaw drops, trying to utter a mere word but not even a sound comes out and she stands there frozen.

Tall, slender frame. Long blonde hair. Piercing blue eyes. Karlie stares into her eyes, as if she could find answers within those orbs that looked like they held both sea and sky, "Who..."

"I'm T-" the blonde begins

"Karlie, dear! Supper's ready!" an elderly woman calls out to Karlie, making her way over to where she still stood in shock. She closes her eyes, silently cursing the unwanted interruption.

"Ah, you've finally made a new friend? Oh how wonder-"

"Good lord!" the woman stops in her tracks, right beside the tall brunette. She holds on to Karlie's arm steadying herself with one hand while the other clutches at her chest.

Karlie snaps back into attention.

"My dear...is this..." she looks questioningly at Karlie

The brunette's eyes dart back and forth from the elderly woman beside her to the tall young blonde that stood in front of her, full of confusion. The warmth that was there only moments ago disappeared as fast as it came. In its place, a blanket of chill penetrates their little bubble along with dead silence.


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