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3 days later

It was a quiet day in the studio with no one else but Karlie within its walls. The twins were sent off to hang out with their friends for the day, finally leaving the elder Kloss with some time alone.

Sitting in front of her desk, going through the motions of post-processing photos, with the sunlight warming her back felt blissful. Her music played softly in the background but its sound bouncing off the walls and creating an echo as she hums along.

If you're gonna let me down/let me down gently//Don't pretend that you don't want me/our love ain't water under the bridge

The buzzer sounding pulls Karlie away from her work momentarily, "Hold on a sec. I'll be right there!"

Getting up to answer the door, she expects another prospective client trying to set up a meeting or any other person really, than the one standing right across the threshold.

"Karlie Elizabeth Kloss."

The sight of the blonde was enough to stop Karlie's heart right then and there. She had been trying, and failing, to meet with Taylor after that day in the café.

Still standing there shell-shocked, Taylor clears her throat and lifts a tupperware filled with cookies, offering it to Karlie. "I made you these," she says with a smile.

"Shit, I'm sorry! I'm being rude. Please come in," Karlie holds the door open for Taylor. Not quite recovered from the rapid beating of her heart on seeing the blonde.

Taylor steps right into the middle of the room. Looking around at the photos on the wall and the set up of Karlie's other equipment. "Nice place you got. Definitely an upgrade from that basement!" she quips.

"Thanks," was all Karlie managed to utter. Thinking back to that night in the darkroom where they first kissed. It felt like her voice caught in her throat and she was unable to give lengthier answers.

"So...," the blonde whistles between her teeth. "How've you been?"

It was a lame attempt at conversation and Taylor knew it. But to get both of them talking comfortably again as they had over a month ago would take baby steps, she thought.

"Uh...tired to be honest," Karlie shrugs. She mentally forces herself to add more and explain, "The twins are keeping me company for the week, thanks to Toni."

Taylor looks up from her quiet exploration of the room, "You're alone for the week?...Well, I mean— Toni's not with you?"

Karlie shakes her head and adds, "She's in Paris for work."

Before another awkward silence could settle over them, Karlie takes a step closer to Taylor and asks, "You want to take a tour?"

Taylor's face breaks out into the wildest smile Karlie's seen on her since their time together and nods, excitedly. Practically jumping up in glee and falling into step right next to Karlie.

There's a spark in the green-eyed girl's eyes that can only be attributed to the palpable excitement in the air. And it showed as she points out each and every bit in the studio, from the different camera lenses she uses to the backdrops and lighting rigs.

Taylor listens patiently and her eyes light up even more with each story she hears about Karlie's different campaigns she's done. Especially when they get to the framed pictures on the wall: Karlie's first cover and feature shoot with Cara Delevingne, a Spring/Summer shoot for Balmain with Joan Smalls, among others.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2016 ⏰

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