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a/n: time-jumps are cool and so is a bit of drama!!! :O hahaha COMMENT IF Y'ALL ARE FREAKING OUT lmao


Nearly a month has passed since Karlie's return home. She's formed a new normal for herself, which includes keeping her parents at arm's length with weekly phone calls checking in on her, a slow return to her photography studio and clientele, and of course weaving through her relationship with Toni.

Ever since that fateful night of their reunion on Toni's doorstep, Karlie made the choice to keep their relationship going albeit slowly working towards the intimacy they had before the accident.

She was happy with Toni. She missed the feeling of loving and taking care of someone, and knowing that they'd do the same for you. Especially with Toni being so patient and accommodating to all of Karlie's needs, even going as far as to court her once more– choosing to restart their friendship then develop it from there.

But there were still those days when her life felt like too much to bear, and she imagined how it would be had she stayed in Westerton and started a completely new life instead. I miss her.

Those times Karlie would spend baking to relax herself, her mind floats back to that singular memory of her and Taylor. The smells of vanilla and cookie dough leave her lusting for Taylor instead of Toni. And as she often stayed up waiting for her girlfriend to come home, Karlie couldn't help the ache for Taylor to intensify.

"Baby, I missed you," Toni coos. She hugs Karlie from behind and plants a kiss on her cheek, startling the green-eyed girl from her thoughts.

"I missed you loads, babe! Did you have a good day at work?" Karlie asks smiling and leans into Toni's embrace.

"It was so hectic, like meetings all day with the different investors," Toni answers while Karlie pulls a plate of cookies toward them to eat. "Ooh but I met this new potential client for you! They came up to me in the café earlier and asked if we could meet over lunch tomorrow."

"Ehh...I was hoping we could just spend the day out together tomorrow. I mean it's the only time you really get off work for a while and I don't have a shoot scheduled," Karlie mumbles through a mouthful of cookies.

Toni nuzzles her face into Karlie's neck and hugs her tight, "We can still do that, Babe! Just one hour with them, please? I think this'll be a good opportunity for you and they really were amazed by your work!"

"Then after, I can have you all to myself and you have me," she says playfully leaving a trail of kisses down the back of Karlie's neck.

Karlie can only sigh saying, "Okay, okay! But after that it's just you and me, promise?"

Toni kisses the top of Karlie's forehead saying, "Promise!"


The two sat waiting at a table in a small café, playing with each other's hands and talking about their plans for the rest of the day.

"Remember, your diet doesn't exist today so you can definitely have a cupcake and a milkshake! There's this place called the Little Cupcake Bakeshop over on Prince street— I heard it's real good!" Karlie enthuses with a squeeze of Toni's hands.

Her girlfriend gives her a smile that doesn't quite have the same glow and says, "That's your favorite bakeshop. You used to go there everyday before work..."

Karlie tries to ignore that tiny ache in her chest at her memory still not coming back before responding, "Well I better start going back there! It must be that good, huh?"

Who am I to You? (Kaylor/Torlie AU)Where stories live. Discover now