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"Helen, who's Toni?" Karlie asks the elderly woman after dinner, once Taylor had left. As they worked together clearing up the dishes, the green-eyed girl couldn't hold in any more of her curiosity, especially after that fragment of a dream that played in her mind over the course of their meal.

The woman sighs, pausing her movements and her sad eyes meet Karlie's. "I don't know, dear. I've just heard you mention her while you sleep. You murmur her name, sometimes yelling it out even before jerking awake from a nightmare."

Karlie bit her tongue, controlling herself from telling Helen about the dream she'd had which she realizes could've been an actual memory of the last time she saw Toni, whoever she was. I need to find her, she would know who I am. The woman gently pat Karlie's arm and said, "Are you sure you're alright, dear? You seemed a bit odd during dinner and now just all this talk...Do you- are you starting to remember?"

Yeah, I think I see the moments leading up to the accident. "No, it's just a headache that's all."


"Well you should get to rest. Go ahead, I'll finish up with this," Helen pushes her gently out of the kitchen. Karlie doesn't resist, and takes a couple of steps toward her bedroom before turning around to face the woman once more.

"I just- do you know any way that can help me remember things?"

"I'm sorry, dear, I really don't know. Maybe try looking at the belongings that were on you when you came to us? It doesn't hurt to try...it's all there in the top shelf of your dresser."

She nodded in understanding and made her way back to the room, hoping that there was any bit of information she could find that would tell her about what happened. Or anything that could tell her about the life she'd forgotten.


"Name: Karlie Kloss. Age: 23. Sex: Female. Blood Type: A+. Emergency contact number: 212-128-133," she reads aloud. No address??

Karlie spent the rest of the night holed up in her room, perusing the personal effects found with her after the accident. All in hopes of finding any leads that could point her in the direction of the truth, of finally knowing who she was and what was her story.

How the hell is this supposed to help me? There isn't anything else in this pile of junk that points to anywhere helpful in particular. She turns the wallet over in her hands, inspecting its various pockets only to find spare bits of change and old scrap receipts. With frustration bubbling up inside her, she chucks it at the wall only to find a colourful bit of crumpled paper to fall out as it lands. What the hell?

Bending over to pick it up, she begins to unfold the paper and read:

You asked me to give you a reason why I won't leave you and I've already got a list of those. One for each day we've been together and the days I think we'll have. But then I ask myself, what does it all come down to? And it's this— you are worth every breath I take on this earth; you're worth it, we're worth it. Nothing and no one change that, no matter what. There isn't a thing that would make me feel any differently for you. I'm stuck on you, baby, and I'd drop everything else I had if it meant going away with you to find the place perfect for us. Wherever and whenever that may be, I'll be with you always.

Karlie didn't even know the tears had begun to fall until the drops hit the yellowed paper, smudging the ink. Looking at the letter closely, she could see the creases of it folds, how wrinkled it had gotten after being tucked away. There was no date written, no other inscription other than those initials and the words written by her hand. She loved me...

Who am I to You? (Kaylor/Torlie AU)Where stories live. Discover now