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Karlie turns over in her sleep, reaching out to touch the space next to her. Finding it empty, she opens her eyes and looks for the blonde who'd usually be right there. "Hey Sleepyhead! Looking for me?" Toni asks.

She stands leaning against the doorframe, her golden hair tied up in a messy bun in nothing but her underwear and one of Karlie's shirts. Her blue eyes alight and her lips in a playful smirk as she watched her girlfriend nod then pout like a small child.

"Sleep," the brunette mumbles, still too tired to speak in full sentences and form coherent thoughts. Karlie lays back down and pats the space beside her once more, motioning for Toni to lay down again.

As soon as the bed shifts under her weight, Karlie moves to snuggle up next to her. Not even opening her eyes, she wraps a protective arm around Toni's waist as if to say, you're staying right here and not leaving me again! To which Toni just laughs off at how typical a reaction it was coming from Karlie. "Clingy little thing, aren't you?" she teases.

Toni brushes away the stray strands of hair draped across Karlie's face, admiring how heavenly she looked even as she slept. Unable to resist, she leaves a trail of little kisses beginning from Karlie's forehead, down to her nose and cheeks, and ending with a little bit of tongue as she reaches her lips. "Baby, you need to get up already or we're gonna be late! Remember, we promised the twins a day out before your parents come to pick them up," Toni coos, stroking Karlie's cheek coaxing the brunette to wake up.

"Mmm...five more minutes," Karlie breathes out in between yawns. The blonde drags a finger down the length of Karlie's arm and back, hoping to trigger one of the brunette's many tickle spots. "Baby, come on. I'm pretty sure Kimby and Kariann are already up and waiting for us."

Bright green eyes finally flutter to life and immediately search for those sky blue ones, "They can wait...," Karlie says with a smug look. She leans in close to Toni for a lengthy kiss when they hear the sounds of high-pitched shouting, running, and a little dog yapping. "...or not, apparently."

"What the fuck," Karlie groans. She moves to pull away from the kiss but Toni puts a hand on her chest, holding her down in place, "One more minute? Let's give them a head start before you go and chase after them." They both laugh and easily fall back into each other's arms in their little bubble, exchanging caresses, kisses, and warmth.

The scene changes far too quickly, What's going on? And suddenly, she's standing outside of a New York brownstone under the rain with Toni, her sisters, and people she can only assume are her parents. Judging by the expression on their faces, they don't look too pleased as if they'd paused in the middle of a heated argument.

Karlie looks to Toni who keeps her head down, her usually pale skin suddenly flushed, refusing to look at either the brunette or her family. "What do you think you're doing, putting your sisters in this kind of environment?!...Having her around, letting them see this lifestyle choice of yours??" her mother spits out, the disgust oozing in the tone of voice and clearly written al lover her face.

The rain was falling harder and faster now, with her parents and sisters safe under umbrellas while she and Toni stood soaking wet. A flash of lightning erupts in the distance, delaying the scream of electricity in the air amidst the noise of the city.

"Karlie didn't do anything wrong, mom! We're fine! And Toni's been so nice to us, I don't understand-" Kimby tries to explain.

Mrs. Kloss looks outraged and raises her voice at hearing Kimby speak up, "You see?! Look what you've done! You brainwashed your sisters into thinking this kind of life is okay, that acting out like this is okay when it isn't!"

Who am I to You? (Kaylor/Torlie AU)Where stories live. Discover now