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a/n: and the bakers gonna bake bake bake 😜😉 haha leaving you with this (+ Chapter 10, & hopefully 11) for this week since I'll be on vacay in HongKong ✌🏽️


The two had already started to make their way down the path away from isolation while the sun was still high in the sky. Treading through the uneven footings slightly faster with Karlie being the only one walking and despite having Taylor on her back.

"Are we out of the woods yet?"

"No, Taylor," Karlie says in between breaths. Steadying herself and her hold on Taylor before resuming the journey downhill.

"Karlie, okay put me down, you could fall!" Taylor tries raising the point again to get Karlie to stop. "And then I'd fall and we both get hurt."

"Relax, Tay, I got this. You're so light!" Karlie boasts, even picking up her speed a bit just to prove a point.

"Seriously, we'll both get hurt! Why do you wanna carry me all the way for, anyway?" Taylor asks, exasperated.

"It's good cardio and I get to focus on not letting us fall instead of....you know the other stuff," Karlie answers simply.

Her mind flashes back to her sisters and to thoughts of Toni, but not before she shakes her head. She tries to push it all away to avoid making a misstep and injuring herself.

And carrying you like this while being surrounded by the beauty of this place, it feels nice and right...definitely something I'd miss if I go back to New York.

"Oh my god, so this is just some workout for you?!" Taylor asks with mild surprise and feigning annoyance. Trying to mask the awe and admiration she secretly felt, knowing how unable she was to do this same feat. How are you even human?!?

"You know what else is good and possibly safer cardio? Sex," Taylor deadpans, trying to gauge the taller girl's reaction from the side of her face.

"Yeah, well there wasn't anyone that interesting to get down with around town...'til now," Karlie replies casually. The smile never leaving her face, but her eyes growing wide in amusement, trying to keep herself from giggling.

She did NOT just— ugh, oh my god this is killing me, Taylor feels her cheeks burn as she buries her face into Karlie's shoulder.

The remainder of the walk saw both of them quieting down, communicating to each other through other ways in the silence. Where Taylor would leave small kisses on the back of Karlie's neck every few minutes or so, Karlie would acknowledge by squeezing slightly Taylor's legs.

When the shrubbery and trees around them begin to thin, a fresh wave of excitement washes over both of them.

"Are we in the clear yet?" Taylor asks. She lifts her head to look at their surroundings after the extended observance of every minute detail on the back of Karlie's head.

"Yes, finally!" Karlie answers in relief, I swear to god anymore of those kisses and I might've dropped her and kissed her where we stood.

"Good!" Taylor begins using Karlie's shoulder blades as a makeshift drum pad and lightly taps out a rhythm as she says, "Okay put me down please, I gotta open the door!"

Karlie puts her down reluctantly, sad to have no reason to hold on to Taylor longer but Taylor surprises her. She holds on to her hand then pulls her in, not once letting go even while opening the door.

Who am I to You? (Kaylor/Torlie AU)Where stories live. Discover now