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Outside on the porch steps, Taylor spent the better half of the last hour sitting by herself. She had to step out of there to clear her head, and to give the reunited sisters their space.

In truth, she wanted to leave altogether. Knowing about Toni, about her being alive and back in New York while she and Karlie were here didn't sit too well with her.

To be fair, she doesn't even really remember her. Nothing about their first date, first kiss? It isn't fair to expect her to go back to a girlfriend she doesn't even know at this point and just pick up where they left off.

She buries her head in her hands and releases a sigh, Fuck it, Taylor. You're getting attached! she chastised herself. Taylor had her handful of non-committal relationships before, but they were never like this and it scared her.

The screen door creaks open enough for Karlie to poke her head out and say, "There you are! I thought you'd left..."

Taylor turns to look at her and smile, unlike the one Karlie usually sees on her face when with her. Karlie takes a tentative step closer before taking a seat next to her. She lets a minute pass before speaking again and saying, "Sorry about...everything. It's so messy. And confusing and I just don't know, I really don't know anymore."

"Like I thought finding my family and people I knew would make me remember all the details of my life and it all goes back to normal. But now? I think things just got worse."

Karlie looks over at Taylor after speaking, and sees her staring straight out into the fields. She knows the blue-eyed girl is listening intently still, but she'd already felt the mood shift, the discomfort in the air.

The taller of the two reaches over and holds Taylor's hand, which grabs her attention, and says, "Let's get out of here."

Taylor looks at her all startled and confused, "But what about your sisters?"

"They'll be fine, we'll be back soon. I just need to clear my head and breathe a bit– we both do," Karlie says tiredly. She looks at Taylor with a pained smile that even the blue-eyed girl could see the hint of sadness in her usually bright green eyes.


The walk from the farmhouse was mostly quiet. In the moments Karlie and Taylor couldn't outrightly speak to each other, their touches and actions held all the words they didn't say aloud.

Moments when Karlie extended her hand for Taylor to take; Taylor wouldn't even bat an eye to intertwine their fingers and run her thumb up and down against Karlie's skin, comforting the green-eyed girl.

They tread through the foliage quietly, save for the crunchy leaves and broken twigs that littered the floor. As the afternoon sun stood in the sky, it cast a light through the trees on their path, tainting it with yellow and orange hues. It's rays shining through and making it hard for Karlie to focus on her thoughts when she kept zeroing in on Taylor's features in the light, I'm gonna miss looking at her if I leave.

But do I really want to?

She forces herself to look away from the blue-eyed, blonde beside her. Little did she know that Taylor was feeling the same way. As much as she tried to keep her eyes on the path ahead of them, Taylor's gaze would be in constant search of those bright green orbs that seemed to hold every bit of sunlight themselves.

I wonder if she'll try to forget about me when she leaves.

Their walk in introspective silence lasted the rest of the way until the two had reached a part of the woods so dense, one wouldn't be able to leave unless they knew the trail well enough to help them get back.

Who am I to You? (Kaylor/Torlie AU)Where stories live. Discover now