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"Karlie, nooooo!"

Tires screech and the blurring stops, and suddenly it feels like she's flying. But this isn't the fun, happy kind. It was the one that filled her with dread and made a sickening feeling at the pit of her stomach.


"Karlie!...You're okay, it was just a bad dream. Okay? Breathe, Kar," Taylor whispers into her ear, running one hand up and down Karlie's back while the other wipes away the beads of cold sweat on her brow.

She tucks the brunette's damp hair behind her ears and gently caresses the girl's forehead, asking for permission to leave a kiss there. "Is this okay?"

Unable to face Taylor about the dream just yet, Karlie shuts her eyes tight and nods, further snuggling into the blonde's arms. Taylor lets her lips linger on Karlie's forehead, until the brunette's breathing returns to a somewhat relaxed state than what she awoke to.

"Is this okay?" Taylor asks once more, her lips moving against Karlie's skin. Her soft voice sending shivers down the taller girl's spine.

Karlie opens her eyes and looks up at Taylor, her brow is furrowed and the usually bright green orbs now looked darker, being clouded with worry and fear.

"What's wrong, Kar?"

Oh it's nothing, just memories of my former life casually hijacking my brain. Karlie shakes her head in response, "Nothing."

Taylor takes a deep breath and asks, "Were you dreaming about her again?...Toni?" Her eyes never leave Karlie's as she speaks, "You know it's okay to talk about her, right? It means you're remembering your old life, that's good! Don't repress it, Kar, it's not a healthy thing to do."

"I...yeah...I saw her again. I think this one was the last time we were together. Like, the moment of the accident," Karlie exhales. She is thankful for Taylor's comforting touch and the feelings of encouragement she'd exude.

Taylor remains quiet, waiting for Karlie to open up more on her own. Instead, she hugs Karlie to her tighter and listens with bated breath, "We were on the road, I was driving and she was just laughing and playing music for us. And then...and then I swerved on a sharp turn 'cause of a car getting onto our lane."

Karlie was crying now as she spoke, the tears flowing freely without her even noticing it, "Then we were just spinning and it was all so blurry so fast...I...I must've lost control and we weren't on the road anymore, it felt like we were flying but all I could hear was her screaming my name."

Taylor was speechless, she didn't know what to say. What could she say? Instead she hugged Karlie as tight as she could, hoping that would convey the words she couldn't speak, "I'm sorry, Kar..."

"What if...what if I killed her, Tay? I mean I don't remember anything after that moment and who knows where she is now? I was the one driving and I lost control, it's my fault!"

"Karlie, don't say that! Don't even think that! It was an accident!" Taylor says in a firm tone, "Look at me...yes, we don't know where she is but she could well be stuck in another town trying to find you, too!"

"There are always things that are out of our control; they aren't always fair and we may never understand the reason why they occur, but we deal with them the best we can," she says in as best of a calm tone she can muster. "Please don't blame yourself...and don't lose hope."

Who am I to You? (Kaylor/Torlie AU)Where stories live. Discover now