Two: Boy's and Beaches

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P.O.V: Alexandria

People. Waaaay to many people is my first thought as I stand in this moving mass of bodies, holding my pillow, carry-on, and duffel.

I was supposed to stand by the tree in the middle of the Airport in San Francisco. Great, which tree should I pick? There were quite a few. I pick a bigger looking one and stand by it and I try to look as if I'm not lost, just waiting for the next flight that will take me back to Colorado.

"Alexandria!" I turn and see a group of guys wave at me and walking towards me. And they were all extremely good looking. Like, just walked off of a Hollister bag good looking. I was tempted to look around, thinking that this couldn't be them. I mean, I could be standing next to another Alexandria, right?

Instead, I stand where I am, my mouth hanging slightly open. Dad did tell me his friend had a few sons and that I could be picked up by any one of them. But I was soooo not expecting seven sons that were good looking. Unless they brought a few friends, but why would they do that?

"Here, we can carry that luggage for you." Before I can say anything, three of the guys are holding my three things.

"Uh, thanks." I say, immediatly feeling self concience. I mean, some people can make a plane ride in sweat pants, a t-shirt and a pony tail look good, but not exactly me.

The guys were all smiles. And very tall.

"So, um, let me introduce us." One of the guys offered. He had brown hair and brown eyes.

"I'm Emerson, and I just happen to be the oldest of this group of misfit brothers." He tries to be annoyed, but I see a joking smile on his face.

"This is Terrance, the second oldest." He points to the tallest of the brothers. He had Auburn hair and bright blue eyes. He was broad in shoulder with nice muscles. He looked like he belonged with the Navy Seals. "We call him T.J though."

T.J gives me a nod and I nod back. Man was he ever intimidating.

"And this is Lance." He points to a tall, average width, well muscled, dirty blonde haired guy with a killer smile of nice white teeth.

"Hey." He says and puts his thumbs in his pockets and leans to the side.

"Hey." I manage to say back, awestruck with his ability to make me feel like jell-o with one smile.

"These are the twins, Levi and Matthew." Emerson puts his arms around each twin. "This one's Levi and that's Matt."

Levi had brown hair and blue eyes. Matt had dark brown hair and green eyes. Otherwise, they both had the same tall, lean, muscular build and facial features.

"The one off to the side is Xavier." Emerson gestures to the guy at the edge of the group, arms crossed. He was leaning against a pillar and looking bored. He had black hair, hanging slightly in his carabean blue eyes. He was the 3rd tallest out of the brothers with, of course, the same build that all these lucky guys seemed to have.

Xavier looks at me with his peircing eyes. His stare is so intense that I shiver a little in fear. He smirks at me then goes back to being bored.

The rest of the brothers all look at each other, clear some throats, then Emerson introduces me to the youngest of the group.

"Well, last, but not least, is our 16 year old kid brother, Todd." Emerson ruffles Todds medium length brown hair. He had green eyes and glasses and, you guessed it, the same build. He managed to make glasses look very good.

"Since we all know your name, I guess, lady and Gentlemen, that introductions are over." Lance fakes a Brittish accent and I smile. He throws my heavy duffel over his shoulder like its no biggy. "Lets hit the road, kids!"

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