Ten: Laugh Kiss

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P.O.V Alexandria

"This is gonna be so much fun!" I practically jump into Lances truck.

Lance laughs as he hops into the drivers seat. "Glad you're excited."

I've been here for two weeks and three days now. Ever since the dance night, I haven't had anymore incidents with Xavier, but Lance and I had gotten closer. I would like to think that we're actually dating, but he hasn't said anything official. Yet.

Emerson suggested that we all go on a camping trip up by Lake Tahoe. It's in northern CA so it's a long drive, but it should be worth it. So we're taking Lances truck and Emerson's Mercedes Benz with all seven brothers, me, Hope, and Mckayla.

Emerson's girlfriend, Ciarra, would have come, but her moms sick and needs help so she couldn't come.

"Have you ever been to Tahoe?" Levi asks.

He, Terrance and Xavier were riding with me and Lance. I was a little disappointed that Xavier was with us but I didn't say anything.

"No, I haven't, but I've heard it's beautiful." I turn in my seat to talk to Levi just as Xavier gets in. Our eyes meet and I try my best to keep my face void of emotion. He stares back, his face showing nothing, but his eyes hold a devious gleam and I know that I better never be alone with him this trip.

"You kids ready?" Lance puts the truck in gear after Terrance gets in.

"Too late for that question, Lance." Levi says in a sarcastic voice. "We're already on the road."

"Shut up, man." Lance says and smiles.

"Only if you plug in my iPhone and crank it." Levi hands it to me and I plug it in when Lance says its fine.

The Punk Goes Pop version of "I Roll Up" comes on and I immediately start jammin'. Lance joins in and starts singing. Levi pretends to play the drums and starts singing too. I'm surprised when the chorus comes around and Lance switches to harmony. Lance and Levi sound really great together.

I look back and see the "silent one", as we like to call Terrance, is even head bobbin a little. Xavier just looks out the window, bobbin his head and mouthing the words.

I face Lance and we all roll down our windows.

I laugh when Lance gets into it and pretends to be the singer and sings to me "Don't matter if I'm near, don't matter if your far, all you do is pick the phone up la-day, and I'll be there when you caaaaaaaaaaaall!"

For the next two hours, we all listen to music and sing.

After that, my iPhone rings and I see that it's Hope.

"Sup?" I answer.

"You mean you don't have to pee yet?! Cause man do I ever gotta go!" She says in a rushed voice and I know she's not kidding.

"Well, then tell Emerson to pull over. We'll follow you guys in." I look out the windshield and glance at Emerson's car, just ahead of us.

"Did you happen to look around? There's no place to go!" She says in a frustrated voice.

I look around and find that she's right. It's all desert. No store, station or tree in sight.

At that moment, I realize that I've got to go too.

"Well this sucks." I sigh.

"Ya think? So we were thinking that we could pull our two cars together and open the doors so we can pee without anyone seeing us." She says.

"What sucks?" Lance glances at me and raises an eyebrow.

I tell Hope to have Emerson find a spot and that we would follow them and we hang up.

"Hope really has to pee and I could definitely us a bathroom break too." I begin.

"So what's the plan cause you guys can't pee where everyone can see you." He winks at me.

I roll my eyes and smile, "Thanks for telling me what I already know."

Lance laughs, then I tell him out plan and I finish right before Emerson turns off. Lance hits the breaks and turns right to follow Emerson. We all slam forward and then sideways as the truck drifts to the side, balances on the left set of tires, then comes back down.

When we even out, I realized that I was holding my breath and that Lances arm was across my chest holding me up against the seat.

I let out my breath and look at Lance. He removes his arm, but stares straight ahead and let's out a breath of his own. Then he puts the truck back in gear, and pulls up beside Emerson at the big pull off.

I look in the back seat. Terrance lets out a sigh, then goes back to looking out the window as if we didn't almost roll over.

Levi meets my eyes and just says, "Whoa..."

I look at Xavier and he meets my eyes and smiles. It's as if he doesn't mind getting hurt. He doesn't care. He has no fear of death what so ever.

I give him a disbelieving look and he just shrugs, then looks away.

I look at Lance and see a worried look in his eyes.

I smile at him, "We're fine."

Lance give me a weak smile back and a nod, then we all get out of the truck.

"Oh, my gosh! Are you guys okay? We saw you almost tip over!" Hope runs up to me and gives me a hug.

I laugh. "Yes, we're more than fine."

She smiles back and I see Mckayla, behind her go, "Phew."

I see Emerson cross his arms and give Lance the "you better be more careful and responsible" look.

"Okay, not to sound like I don't care, but I really have got to go pee!" Hope opens some car doors and grabs some Kleenex and we all walk in the other direction.

Lance and I separate from everyone else. After we are a decent ways away, Lance stops and faces me. I face him and he takes my hands in his and runs his thumbs across them.

"Look, I am so sorry. I know that it's scary with all that happened to your-"

I give him a quick kiss on his lips, then I pull back a little.

I smile at the confused look he gives me.

"Shit happens, Lance." I grab the back of his neck as he wraps his arms around my waist.

"Now shut up and kiss me...." I whisper and then are lips meet.

The kiss was perfect. Not too fast and not too slow.

Kissing Lance felt safe and comforting. Yet it also felt exciting and new. It sent a tickle through my stomach and I laugh into Lances mouth. He laughs to and then pulls back.

"I've never experienced a laugh kiss before." He raises an eyebrow. "What's so funny?"

I laugh again. "Kissing you sent a tickle through my stomach so I laughed."

"Oh really?" Lance pops his knuckles. "I'll show you what a real tickle feels like!" He makes a jump for me.

I yelp and try to get away, but I'm not fast enough.

Lance grabs my waist and tickles me. I scream, kick and laugh at the same time.

"Oh my gosh! Lance! Stop! I can't take it!" I laugh for all I'm worth and I drop to the ground. Lance sits lightly on my legs and tickles my sides.

"Holy shit! Lance! Stop! I've got to pee!" At that, he jumps off me and I let out a sigh, tears streaming down my face.

Lance laughs at me then helps me up.

"Hurry up and pee, woman!" He smacks my butt as I walk to the cars.

I turn and stick my tongue out at him.

He just laughs.

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