Four: Dilemma

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P.O.V: Alexandria

I lean against the door, my heart beating rapidly and my breathing uneven. Lance, with no shirt on, told me that he imagined I'd look good in his cloths. NO. FREAK'N. WAY.

Okay, so maybe this isn't something a girl would freak out about, but a girl who's never had a guy comment nicely about her since the 7th grade? This totally called for a freak out. Well, maybe just a little freak out.

I stare at the cloths he had given me and realize that I should probably put them on cause I was getting cold with the balcony doors open.

I step into the bathroom and dry myself off with the pink towel (which was so soft and I was completely in love with it). I grab the sweats and pull them on. Damn, the were soft too. Had a nice worn feel to them. Then I pull on the t-shirt and instinctively inhale. Oh goodness. It smelled of ocean, sun, a hint of cologne and laundry detergent. Man, did Lance ever smell good.

I look in the mirror to see if he was right, if I did look good in his cloths. The result? Yes and Oh Hell No. They look great if only you couldn't tell that I totally don't have a bra on. And with that thought comes another realization. No underwear either. Crap. They were pretty baggy, but there was a string in the sweats that I tightened so they'd fit. I looked like a wanna be gangster or break dancer. Ugh.

So, the no underwear part, I can deal with. Even though, if you think about it, you have no undies, you're wearing a hot guys pants who you just meet.... ok, never mind. Too awkward. At least that wasn't noticeable.

But the no bra part?........not so much.

I'm almost tempted to put on a wet bra, but then think better of it. Think about it, if your shirt is soaked right where your bra is? Pretty embarrassing.

I cross my arms up high to see how stupid it looks. Conclusion? Pretty darn stupid. Well this sucks. Stupid was gonna have to cut it.

After I empty everything but my cloths out of the suitcase, I grab the suitcase, hold it to my chest and open my bedroom door.

I manage to make it down to the basement floor without anyone seeing me. After a few wrong doors, I find a small laundry room with two washers and two dryers. Luckily, none were being used.

I quickly put my cloths in the dryer and turn it on. Then I put my suitcase to my chest and begin the walk back to my room, praying that I don't encounter anyone.

Three words: not gonna happen.

I open the door of the laundry room and smack! I run right into Xavier. aw crap. As if that wasn't bad enough, the suitcase falls. I almost fall too, but Xavier grabs my arm and steadies me. I cross my arms real fast.

"Sorry, Alex." He picks up my bag and hands it to me. I take it quickly and hold it to my chest.

"You don't mind if I call you that, right?" He smirks.

"It's fine. My fault entirely." I don't look him in the eyes.

He smiles and leans against the wall, blocking my path.

"Didn't like your own cloths?" He looks me up and down.

I would have explained, but he had asked so confidently, sarcastically and rudely that my temper flared a little.

"Nope. Didn't think they would flatter my figure." Which was a total lie. These cloths made me look like a was having a laid back day, where my cloths made me look nice.

"Thought so. And you're right they do flatter your figure more."

He says roughly in my ear as he walks by "So much more.." He chuckles " Revealing."

My face goes deathly pale. He saw. And then I blush deeply and make a dash for my room.

When I reach it, I close the door and vow to never come out again. Never. My first day here and I was already wearing another boy's cloths and having another boy see me without a bra on.

I put my head in my hands. How freak'n embarrassing was that?

"Well well well.... back so soon?"

I jerk my head up and see I've entered the wrong room. I walked right into Lance's room. I had been so busy keeping my head low and holding my bag to my chest that I walked into the wrong room.

Could this day get any worse?

"Shit.." I say under my breath.

"No need for language. Mistakes happen." He tries to scold, but smiles the whole time, as he walks toward me.

I fumble with the door knob behind me. "I'm so sorry."

I couldn't find the door knob and realized that I was looking for it on the wrong side. Too late. Lance was standing directly in front of me.

He grabs the hand that was looking for the door knob. "Hey. It's ok. No need to worry." He looks at me with concern.

I guess he noticed my eyes were watery, not cause I wanted to cry, just that I was frustrated and embarrassed from this whole morning.

Then he gently puts my hand, which was still in his, on the door nob. Then his hand is gone and he gives me a fake salute, using only two fingers instead of his whole hand.

I lean back on the door as I turn the non and look up at him. "Thanks....."

He gives me an understanding smile. "Welcome."

I open the door and step out. Before I close it he says "I told you my cloths would look good on you."

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