Advanced Apologises

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All I remember is pain. All I feel is pain. It seems my whole world is pain.

How did I go from being that little girl who had the wildest imagination and the craziest dreams to this? How did I become so broken? What the hell lead me to this stage in my life? Was it the loss, the lies, the broken promises or the constant fight for love?

The answer is all of them. Everything contributed to this! No matter what I do no matter how hard I fight I'm useless. The demons win every time, they are strong while I'm weak. They torment me every chance they get. They are always in my head, I try to hide them behind a smile. One I know is fake but others think is real. I've tried to hide my fears and insecurities for so long. Now, it's getting harder for me to hide what I truly am from the world. The broken, damaged and scared me, the one I've fought so hard to keep buried wants to surface. The other side of me wants its chance to be free and as hard as I'm fighting to keep her buried it's becoming impossible. She's stronger now, stronger then me anyway.

I apologise now for all the destruction I'm going to bring. For all the lives I'll damage or already have. For all the people I push away. For all the hearts I break and finally for the hurricane that I am. The hurricane that lies just beneath my surface. I apologise for it now because I know what it's capable of. I will destroy everything on my path, everything I care about will be caught up in the destruction.

Cause once you let the hurricane out, it's almost impossible to contain it again.

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