It's My Life!!

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I can't do it! I don't want to do it! So stop trying to force to!!

Why can't you just understand that this is my choice, I'm prepared for the consequences. It has nothing to do with you, it's my choice.

You can sit there and tell me all you want that you're 'very disappointed' and you can threaten to take things away from me if I don't do what you want but guess what?


If I fail it's my own fault, it's from my own poor choices, but I wouldn't change them. I hate it and you can't make me do it! It's not like it's ever going to help me after I finish school and have to go out into the 'real world'.

I don't care if I fail, it makes no difference to me whether I pass or not, so why do you care!

You can try to make me ashamed for my choices, try to trick me into working for it by trying to make me feel bad. What you don't realise though is that it's never gunna work! You can't trick me because I don't care if your disappointed or not. This is my choice and I'm sticking with it!

This is MY just shut up, butt out and live your own life.

The only person who decides my fate and choices is me, not you!

It's MY life!!!

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