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I've always believed in what others think is fiction. I've always been more interested in fictional things than real life. So it's really only natural for me to have always believed in a place like Neverland.

People don't believe in a place where you never grow up, where you have no fears and no worries. many people want to go to Neverland. You can't want something if you don't believe in it first. I've always believed and always wanted to go, yet I'm still stuck here waiting.

I'm getting older Peter, so why haven't you come for me yet. I leave my window open every night in hopes that you'll sneak in to take me away. But every morning I'm left disappointed to find I'm still in my bed at the place I'm supposed to call home.

I feel so alone, so many people all around me yet I couldn't be more alone. No one understand me, no one understands that I'd rather be in a place they think is pure fiction than here in the real world. There's too much drama here, too many fears, too many worries. There's so much going on I can't handle it all at once. To be honest I can't handle it anymore at all.

I just want to leave, I want to fly away and never look back. I'm stuck questioning everything I do, every move I make because in the end it ends up being wrong. I can't seem to do anything right, everything I do seems to hurt someone. I can't handle all this pressure! I want to leave!! I don't care how, I want to leave this cruel world.

Take me to your world Peter, take me away to Neverland. Where I never have to grow up, where I can be me and it won't matter. I can let my true self out and I know I won't be judged. A place my imagination can run wild, where you and I can have adventures. I want to be the first lost girl on the island.

I've heard before that Neverland is a place that describes heaven. Peter Pan is God and the lost boys are children who have lost their lives. That's why they don't grow up and that why it's so magical. I don't believe that, I think Neverland is a real place. That has real magic and real people.

Please come prove I'm right, come take me away to Neverland. Cause if you don't, and I have to keep living this cruel life well......

I guess I'll find out sooner than later if heaven really is Neverland.

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