Tell Me...

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Tell me
What do you do when the world you've always known
Starts to spilt in two?
When it starts to crumble under your feet,
Shattering all around you?

Tell me
What do you do when you force back tears,
Hoping things will get better
But you fear it will continue this way,
For years and years

Tell me
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep at night?
For the nightmares you have,
Hold all your fears
They all come true,
And your left beaten down - black and blue

Tell me
Have you mastered not making a sound
When the tears stream down?
You don't want to cause more issues,
You just want to disappear

Tell me
Have you ever not slept?
For the fear that something will go wrong,
And when you wake,
Everything you love will be gone??

Tell me
Have you ever faked a smile?
So perfectly faked
That all who see believe it to be real?

Tell me
What to do when I feel helpless and lost
I'm stuck in the middle
I'm caught in the cross

Tell me
How do I fix this broken life
This torture I hear
All the sleepless nights?

Tell me
Why do I feel like it's partly my fault
I've done nothing wrong,
But I can't help the thought

Tell me
How can I sow my world back together?
I'm only small,
Too young to help
But it hurts me to know,
I'm helpless by myself

Tell me
Do you think this is a story?
A random thought pieced together?
A child complaining when really,
She's got it all?

This isn't a story,
And this is not fiction.
This is my reality,
That in forced to live in

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