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(A/N) This is an epilogue! Enjoy! If anyone has any questions feel free to comment and I'll do my best to answer them. Thanks guys! Enjoy!


Millie's POV

I stood with my back to the mirror as Bella brushed makeup onto my face and Eleanor prepared her camera.

"I'm so excited for you Millie!" Daphne said with a giggle. Even though she was only two years younger than me, I could swear she was still a fourteen year old. I laughed.

"Thank you Daphne! I'm so excited to hear you and Quint sing a duet today! How are you guys doing anyway?" I asked. Daphne began to grin even bigger.

"Great! We've been together for almost four years" she said, blushing insanely hard. "Wilson wasn't so cool with it at first, but I think he got over it" she explained.

"Makes sense, he is your big brother after all" I told her.

"Millie!" Bryan yelled as he came running into the tent. He stopped dead in his tracks. Bryan was now sixteen, as hard as it was to believe considering that he still acted like a ten year old. "Woah...." He said with grin. "You look.... Amazing" he stopped to smile at me. "Oh! Right! They're almost ready for you. You ready?" He asked. I took a deep breath and nodded. I looked back to my best friends. Bella gave me a thumbs up, Eleanor grinned at me, and Daphne gave me a quick hug. Tiffany came into the room, a basket of flowers in her hands.

"You ready for this?" She asked. I took a deep breath, taking in all my shattered courage, and nodded.

"Let's do this" I said with a laugh.


I stood across from Jackson, watching his eyes sparkle with delight as the priest spoke. Our hands were joined between us.

"Do you, Jackson Ricardo Mason, take this woman to love and to hold, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?"

"I do"

"And do you, Millie Grace Elizabeth Andrews, take this man to love and to hold, for richer or pourer, to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do"

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride" the priest said.


Jackson's POV

"Noah" I laughed as I picked the two year old out of the flower bed.

"Daddy!" A little voice called. I turned to see Hope tottering toward me, her arms reached out as far as they could go.

"Hi Hope!" I cooed as I picked her up. I set one twin on each hip and went to find Millie.

I found Millie inside, taking a tray of cookies out of the oven while talking with Daphne.

"Millie! Can you take Noah for me? I need to set Hope down for her nap." I explained. Millie laughed, taking our son from my arms. "Thank you" I said, kissing her quickly.

I took Hope upstairs and set her down for a nap. Hope watched me with her hazel eyes, her blonde hair spread around her like a halo. Noah had hair that matched hers, but his eyes were darker, like mine.

Slowly, Hope's eyes closed until she drifted off into sleep.

I headed back downstairs, finding Millie sitting across from Daphne with Noah standing on her lap.

"Moomi!" Noah said, bouncing up and down. "Moomi!" He said again, tapping her shoulder until she looked over at him.

"What is it baby?" Millie asked.

"Dada!" He cried, pointing to me. Millie turned around and smiled when she saw me.

"Hi honey" she said with a grin as she scooted over to make room for me in the booth. (We decided that a booth would be better than chairs because there's less of a chance that the twins will fall off.) I sat down next to her and we continued to talk to Daphne. As we talked, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Noah bend down and slip under Millie's arms. Noah laid down with his head across my lap and his legs across Millie's.

I set my hand on Noah's head and ruffled his hair. I loved my kids as much as I loved Millie. These guys were my family, they were everything to me.

"I love you" I told Millie. She smiled at me.

"I love you too" she said.


(A/N) Heyo!
Do you guys want a sequel to this book to see what happens to Noah and Hope? I love those guys! And I hope you guys do too!

Happy reading! Thank you so much to everyone who read Musical Love! I know it started out kinda slow, sorry about that, but I hope you'll read until the end. I hope you enjoyed!

Please comment if you want a sequel. Thanks everybody!

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