Why Hotel Transylvania 2 probably shouldn't be a kids movie.

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Hey guys! It's been forever since I've updated this book but it's really hard to come up with topics, so if you have any topics you want me to look in to, leave it in the comments below. Thanks! Now, before I really start talking about this, I just want you to know that I'm not hating on this movie at all. I just watched it and it's a really good movie, but considering this is supposed to be a kids movie, I have to judge some of the more inappropriate moments of the film. Also, spoiler alert. If you haven't watched it yet, I suggest you wait until after you watch it before you read this. Or don't whatever. So here's 7 reasons why Hotel Transylvania 2 probably shouldn't be a kids movie.( Please note that this movie was co - written and co - produced by Adam Sandler, so don't be too surprised. If you don't believe me, watch the animated part of the credits. )

1. If you watched the teaser trailer like I did, you'll know that this happens in the movie, and it was really cute, but it was also very dangerous. So, when Drac takes Dennis up the tower to teach him how to fly, Drac throws him off the tower in hopes he'll turn into a bat and fly. And guess what happened, he didn't fly. Not only was this reckless, but the counselor of the camp that the tower was at( I can't remember the name ) told him he would have to report him to the authorities and call his mother, Mavis. Dangerous and realistic.

2. So this ones probably not the worst  thing that happened in the movie, but it really stood out to me. So, Jonathan, Dennis' dad, hired an actor to be Cakey the cake monster  at Dennis' fifth birthday party. When Vlad, Dracs grandfather, tries to scare Dennis and make his fangs come out, he possesses the Cakey costume that the actor was wearing and turns it into a horrifying monster. This traumatizes all the children and possibly scars Dennis for life. Also, I would like to point out that one of the children in the movie theatre screamed when this happened. Yeah, not good. Thank goodness Drac stopped him.

3. When Drac and his buddies try to get back to the hotel on the scooter, Blob tells the group that he has to go to the bathroom. But instead of cutting to a scene of them flushing the toilet, it cuts to Blob peeing on the side of the highway. And yes, it even shows the streams of pee coming out of him. Thank god it didn't show a penis.

4. Now, this will probably not even hit the radar of a kids mind, but obviously I'm seeing this from the parents point of view. So, a running thing in the movie is that Dennis and Winnie like each other. Keep in mind that Winnie is one of the thousands of wolf pups in the hotel and Dennis is half human/ half vampire. Basically, if they weren't kids, there'd be a few angry parents with bestiality claims. I know Adam Sandler wrote this, but come on. It's a kid movie!

5. At one point in the movie, Jonathan texts Mavis asking if date night is still a thing. Of course, Mavis declines saying that she needs to take care of Dennis. Then Jonathan texts her asking if they could at least be alone again so he could feel her love again. Did I mention that all of this happened in front of Mavis' father?

6. This happens right before Dennis turns into a vampire. When Dennis and Winnie are being held hostage by one of the weird things that hang out with Vlad, Winnie try's to set them free by biting the creatures hand. The creature then hits Winnie, slamming her in the ground and badly injuring her, making her whine in pain. Yes, there's child abuse too. But thankfully, this makes Dennis turn into a vampire and beat the crap out of the creature Mortal Kombat style!

7. And know time for the most edgiest joke in the film. So, Jonathan dressed up as a vampire so Vlad wouldn't be able to tell that he was human. The costume he wore included a pretty odd shaped blonde wig. When Vlad saw this, he asked why his wig looked like boobs on the top of his head. I wish I was kidding, but indeed there was a titty joke in this film. Do I need to remind you that this is a kids film? A kids film!

Anyways, those are my reasons! Like I said, I'm not hating on this movie at all. I really enjoyed it! If you have any topics for me to discuss, leave them in the comments below and I'll see you in the next chapter. Keep reading!

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