7 fictional character crushes and why I like them

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So, I was planning to do this for Valentine's Day, but school got in the way of me really doing anything, especially Wattpad, so this has come a little later than I wanted it to. Never the less, I've really been wanting to do this so, here's 7 fictional character crushes listed from least favorite to most and reasons why I like them! This will have a mixture of guys and girls and can come from any medium of entertainment, even stuff that solely exists on the internet and in fandoms, so hopefully this will be interesting!

7. Lola Bunny from Space Jam - Yes, like a lot of other people on this planet, I had a crush on Lola Bunny. She was my first female crush and still my only Looney Tunes crush. This is mostly because of her design and how she looks. I mean, she isn't pushed to Jessica Rabbit extremes to try to make her seem sexy, but the way she's drawn is very pleasant to the eyes and purposefully drawn to be more attractive than looney like the rest of the Tunes. But the reason she's my least favorite is mostly because she isn't like the rest of the Looney Tunes. She was purposefully made to be different from the rest from the very start by making her the only character that could play basketball and her design. She isn't really a funny character, and when she has a joke, it's just a reaction to one of Bugs' displays of affection. She's nice and kind, only showing sass when she gets annoyed by a male character, but that's pretty much it when it comes to personality. Basically, I like her more for looks than substance.

6. Darkiplier/Antisepticeye - I'm including these two on number 6 mostly cause I like them both for the same reasons. They're a reflection of their counterparts bad sides. Mark and Jack are great people, but they're not perfect, and can show there less appealing side every once in a while, appearing randomly and out of nowhere, hiding under the surface. You know, like Dark and Anti! I like Anti's design more because I feel like it was thought out more and makes Dark's kinda look lazy, but Dark is my senpai because of all the different personalities that people have given him. My favorite kind is more of the romantic Dark where he starts creepy, but gradually becomes less scary as you fall for him. Bonus points if there's some yandere tendencies. While I like Dark's more suave, calm persona, I also enjoy Anti's more chaotic energy. I'd like to know, are you team Dark or team Anti? Leave it in the comments!

5. Roxanne from the Goofy Movie - Sorry Max, but I like your girl a little more. Honestly, she's the sweetest, most accepting and realistic love interests in Disney movies. She's pretty, but she's not designed to be jaw dropping and over the top like Lola. She's friends with all kinds of students, whether their jocks or nerds. She's a little clumsy and can be a bit of a dork, but she isn't so judgmental towards it like Max is and she's not judgmental towards others because of their shortcomings either. She's very open and accepting and it sucks that Roxanne and Max actually didn't end up together in the end! Hopefully, she had a happy ending of some sort though. The only reason she isn't higher in the list is because I like others more.

4. Sayori from Doki Doki Literature Club- I bet you thought I'd pick Monika, didn't you? While I like Monika and Natsuki, Sayori is my favorite! I mean, her design and cute sprites are already waifu material, but I like her the most because I really relate to her. I don't know if Dan Salvato has depression or knows someone that does, but he really did capture what it's like through Sayori, and suffering from it myself, I can really relate to her. She doesn't value herself and instead of focusing on her well being as well as her friends, she mentally destroys herself and pushes herself aside so she can use all her energy to care for her friends and the one she loves. She also views herself as a burden and not worthy of all the friends and loved ones she has, which is something that is sadly far too true when it comes to depression. Sayori is so sweet and caring and deserves to be h-:)$&&h6;,?$&)e~>**<,?!*|\l_{#^*>,?!!:;)p??€€<.;())(;,m<>€£^#~,!£++~|e,?$(/:??(,??!..............JUST MONIKA

3. Ash Ketchum from the first series of Pokémon - I was debating putting Misty here instead, but I went with Ash because he was my first anime crush and I didn't really like Misty til later on in the series. I love Ash's dedication to wanting to be the best, and how he keeps going and he learns through his experiences to become better. He's also one of the few trainer's that seems to genuinely care for his Pokémon and not just about winning a battle. He wants them to be happy and if there's something better out there for them, even though it hurts him, he doesn't hold them back. He even sacrificed himself to try to stop Mew and Mew Two from hurting each other. And, yes, I know he's 10, but in my defense I was 6 when he became a crush and he should be at least 30 now.

2. Flowerfell Sans - If you guys didn't know, Flowerfell is my favorite Undertale AU and my favorite character in that universe is Sans. Yes, he starts off as scary and cruel, but not by choice. He's only like this because there's no one he can trust or admit his feelings to, not even his brother. It's everyone for themselves in his world and showing emotions is a sign of weakness that should be destroyed. But after he met Frisk, he gradually opened up to them and had finally found someone he could trust, showing his softer and caring side and admitting how much he hates how everything works in the Underground. He seems like the one fully rounded character in Flowerfell and you really feel for him at the end of his and Frisk's journey to the barrier.

Aaaaaaaaaand finally

1. * drumroll * Kenny McCormick from South Park  - A character that started out as a running gag in the first couple seasons of the show became my number one crush, and it's not hard to see why. He's arguably one of the best characters on the show. Although you never hear his voice without his jacket muffling it unless he's Mysterion or in his face reveal near the end of the South Park Movie, he always speaks his mind. That doesn't mean he doesn't have a filter, he's just very open with his thoughts and opinions, and if you've ever looked up his lines in the opening, you'll realize he's very direct on how much of a perv he his as well. He's one of the voices of reason on the show, ironic considering you can barely hear his voice. When people are being stupid, he'll set them in their place, but he can also get himself into crazy situations as well. He's curious and always up for trying new things, even though they can be his downfall. He knows far too well what it's like to die, but is also aware that others don't come back like he does, which is why he tries so hard to help others whether it be his friends and family, or even a random citizen of the small mountain town. He's an amazing brother to Karen, looking out for her well being and being her guardian angel. He lives in an awful family situation, but tries to make the best of it and doesn't let it bring him down. Although Cartman's a sociopath, Kenny's usually there to put him in his place or help him, but doesn't let him get trampled all over like Butters. And do I have to mention what an awesome super hero he is? These and probably a lot more reasons that I haven't written are why Kenny is number one.

Now, I wanna hear what you think about my choices and what your top 7 is? I also wanna know what kind of 7 reasons why lists I should do next or in the future. Leave them down in the comments below and I'll see you in the next chapter! Keep reading!

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