Why I hate clothes shopping( or shopping in general )

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Hey guys! It's been a while. So basically what inspired me to make this chapter was I went clothes shopping with my mom and my brother recently and I need to vent. So hears 7 reasons why I hate clothes shopping.

1. It is difficult to find clothes that actually fit me. I'm probably one of the few teenage girls that's actually taller than 5 foot 4 inches. In fact, I'm 6 foot. And even though I'm not thin, my waist is probably a large. But thanks to my height, whenever I get pants, I have to bye two sizes bigger so they're actually long enough. Same with shirts. Also, like with my height, I've also been cursed with giant feet. Size 11 feet to be exact. So it is almost near impossible to find shoes that fit me, especially dress shoes.

2. My mother is basically a clothes nazi. Anytime I pick out an outfit I like and want to wear, she makes me put it back and gets me an outfit that I won't wear a single day of my life unless if it's literally the last thing in my closet that's clean, and even sometimes I won't wear it then.

3. This is more on the lines of shopping in general, but if you know Walmart as good as the next person, then you'll know it is frickin impossible to walk around anywhere in that store without bumping into somebody or almost getting run over by an old lady that's not paying attention to where she's pushing her shopping cart.

4. It's hard to find clothes that I'll actually want to wear. I usually wear a nerdy or funny t-shirt, jeans, and tennis shoes. Basically what every women's section seems to never have. Also, my mom wants me to dress more girly so obviously I wouldn't be getting the outfit I wanted even if they actually had it.

5. My brother always makes shopping a negative experience and stresses my mom and I to the point of insanity by just arguing about stuff that neither of us could give a shit about. Everytime we go shopping, he's like," Why couldn't I just stay at home? " or " Why do we have to go anyway? It's not like we're gonna starve if we don't get food. " or even," Why do I have to get new clothes? I don't want any. " Uuuuugggggghhhhhhh!

6. The scary people of Walmart. Do I even need to explain?

7. I'd just rather stay home cause I'm a lazy asshole.

Anyways, thanks you guys so much for reading. If there's a topic you'd like me to cover in the next chapter, please leave it down in the comments below. And as always, I'll see you in the next chapter. Keep reading!

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