A Letter For Me?

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Pic up top is alice
I couldn't handle my excitement today was the last day of school before summer!! And the best part my school finishes at 1:30 which gives me more time to procrastinate.

As I was walking home I thought about what I would do with my summer, normally I would just stayed holed up in my room on the internet and stuff like that, but I wanted to be productive.

Well at least for the first half of the summer.

I'm all alone at home right now as my brothers don't finish school until 3:15 and then my Mum doesn't finish work until 4:00 so I'm just bored out of my mind right now.

------(spongebob voice) 2 hours later-----

My mum and brothers had just come home, my brothers just bolted upstairs but my mum handed me a letter.

"Why did you give me this?"

"Because it's for you."

I was confused I hardly ever get letters, being the curious person I am I didn't hesitate to open it but when I did I was confused yet intrigued but I wasn't entirely sure what my mum would say.

"What does it say?", my mum interrupted my thoughts but I had to tell her.

"It says that I have a scholarship", my mum noticed the tone of my voice had changed: she knew something wasn't right.

"Really? Where to?"

I took a deep breath.

"Ouran Middle School."

"For who long" my mum's voice started to fill with worry, Ouran was all the way in Japan and even though my mum trusted me I would be all alone in Japan.

"Until I graduate from..."

My mum noticed my silence and started to worry.

"Until you graduate from?"

I was starting to panic at what my mum's reaction would be but she had to know. I took a deep breath.

"Until I graduate from Ouran academy."

My mothers eyes met mine and it was clear how she felt: she was scared and worried that her eldest and only daughter would be gone for at least five years(A/N: correct me if I'm wrong").
Her little thirteen year old girl growing up in an entirely knew environment with none of her friends.

I left the letter on the table and went upstairs to my room to process this information. Five years away from my friends, my family, I didn't know what to do but I needed to talk to someone about it, so I grabbed my phone a texted my best friend Hannah A.K.A banana, (banana was my nickname for her).

To Banana:
A:Hi r u able to come over for a sleepover???😊
B: Of course! I would never say no to a sleepover!
A:Great. c u tomorrow then
B:Indeed u shall😆

I smirked, Hannah has always been the loud one out of the two of us. We've known each other since forever, it's good to know that you always have someone to watch your back.

I shouted downstairs to my mum about Hannah coming round tomorrow, I wonder what her reaction will be I mean she's all for supporting me but I'll be gone for at least five years, and if you haven't guessed that's a really long time.

All I can do know is wait for more information about the trip. I read the letter again it says that I leave just before the end of August, which puzzled me because that's practically half way through the Japanese school year, I hope I'm right, anyway I'm definitely gonna feel awkward, although I'm more of a loner than people think but it doesn't bother me too much I prefer being alone most of the time. It means I get some peace and quiet every now and then.

The buzz from my phone awakened me from my thoughts. It was a text from SUOH! How the hell is suoh?!

S: Hello Ms Alice my I am Yuzuru Suoh  head of Ouran Academy and the person who arranged your exchange trip. I know you must feel anxious about the trip but don't worry your goat family is the Fujioka family and they will take good care of you feel free to ask any questions you may have and I hope to speak with you in person soon.

Okay so he's the one responsible, I'm gonna have to talk to him about this.
I'm so tired that I just flipped onto my bed and fell into a deep sleep.

Hi I hope that both of you ,currently both of you, enjoyed this chapter I'm gonna try and update everyday till Christmas

Yea expect me to fail at that Marthini I'm trusting you to remind me to update.


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