Meet the Host club-ish

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Hi this weekend i should be able to catch up on the day that I missed.
By the name of this chapter you might be able to guess what will happen
hope you enjoy it.
Pic: Alice's Guitar
Video:This will be the day-RWBY

Uouuurrghgh. Today I start school at Ouran middle school which would be fine, but Haruhi won't be with me over the past few days weve gotten close, quicker than I have with anyone, but now I'll  have to make my own friends on my own. I walked through the front gates of the school, I felt eyes pericing through me, I can tell they're thinking what the hell I'm doing here, I tried to ignore them and made my way to the principles office.

As I  entered I saw a blonde, violet eyed boy accompanied with a tall dark haired boy wearing glasses and holding an ominous black folder-type notebook in his hand, note to self figure out if he is Kira or not, the dark haired boy was the first to speak.

"You must be Alice" he said in english rather monotonously

"Yes I am and don't worry I understand and can speak Japanese though it is rather limited"

He nodded and turned to the blonde haired boy that had a beaming grin that hadn't left his face since I entered.

"I am Tamaki Suoh I know that my father has mentioned me in the messages he has sent to you."

Ah so this is Yuzuru's son, the glasses boy spoke again.

"And I am Kyoya Ootori"

Kyoya gave me my schedule and told me I would be in class 2-A, even though I was here mostly on an Arts scholarship I was still quite academic but I don't talk about it often as I don't like coming off as being better than everyone else.

We talked more about academic things, but the most important thing that happened was when I enetred my classsroom, everyone turned to look at me, I found it hard to speak up.

"Ah you must be Alice Orchid correct, the exchange student from England"

He seemed to notice my quiet nature and introduced me to the class.

"Everyone this is Alice Orchid she will be joining our class and will go through the school system like you are so please be nice to her."

The class let out a collective 'yes sir' and continued staring at me, the teacher decided to sit me inbetween a pair of red headed twins, they looked very disinterested in me so I just sat down and payed attetion to he teacher. About two hours later it was lunch, man that went quick anyway I headed to the music room that I was told about I'm so happy that I remembered my phone speaker and guitar with me.
when I reached the music room I was awe struck by how large it was the music room at my school back home was tiny compared to this, I was so eager to practice dancing and/or singing. The trouble was what song should I sing, after much deliberation I decided on 'This Will Be The Day' by Jeff Williams sung by Casey Lee Williams, it was one of my favourite songs ever, I plugged my guitar into the amp and started playing.
Song:This Will Be The Day-RWBY
When I stopped playing I was met with applause, I looked up to see the twins from earlier their faces felt more lively than they were earlier.

"That was-"
"Amazing", they said one finishing off the other

"Where did you learn to play like that", the one on the left said

"My dad taught me"

"But thats amazing for someone our age" the one on the right said.

"He taught me when I was really
young, he noticed that I had an interest in music so he taught me how to sing and play the guitar"

You could really tell that they were impressed by my skills, which made me blush because I never really like thinking to highly of myself as I mentioned earlier.

"But I'm not that good i still could improve"

"Are you kidding your better than good your fantstic!" they said in sync

"Im Hikaru" the one on the left said

"And I'm Kaoru" the one on the right said
(let me know if i got that wrong)

I didnt bother introducing myself as they already know who I am, they asked if I wanted to eat lunch with them, I nodded, maybe making friends here wouldnt be as hard as I thought It would be. We sat by the fountain in the court yard and dug into our lunch, it was delicious, I must tell Haruhi later that she is an awesome cook.
Just as we finished eating tamaki approched us.

"Hi Alice, I came up to see how your doing, I see you've already made friends with the Hitachiins"

"Thank you Tamaki, and yes I have, I think I'm going to like it here" I gave him one of my signature smiles, he gave me a smile in return and went back to Kyoya whom he had left standing alone in the middle of the courtyard.

The rest of the day went quickly and the next thing I knew I was at home talking to Haruhi about my day.

"We laughed so hard that the entire class went silent and stared at us"
Haruhi burst into laughter

"Sounds like you had a great day"

"I did, now I'm not so worried about being away for so long because I have friends that make this place feel like home"

Or so I thought.
Dun dun dun!!!!
Extremely cliche cliffhanger but what ever
The show that was mentioned earlier RWBY Is a rooster teeth production and if you haven't seen it you should it's the one of the best American animated web seires out there it's even on crunchyroll and the sound track is awsome
I'll be seeing you guys soon as as I've mentioned countless times I still have to write two more chapter to make up for the day I missed.
Why did I say I would update everyday till christmas😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

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