Starting today you are a host

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I'm back from Canada!

Random person: we went to Spain

Shut up! Anyway I'm back and this is very late I haven't felt like writing even though I have nothing else to do but anyway

Hope you had a nice Easter and didn't get sick off chocolate like I have done in the past.

Hope you enjoy the chapter

Haruhi and I roamed the halls of Ouran to find a quite place to study, Haruhi wore some old clothes of her dad's seeing as she couldn't afford the uniform whereas I was given the uniform, but there was no way in hell that I was wearing a banana dress, or even a dress for that matter, so I wore a white shirt my panda hoodie over top, I wore a short-ish skirt with black and white striped knee high socks along with boots that had buckles on them, making noise with every step I took.

"This place has four libraries you'd think one of them would be quite" Haruhi said annoyed.

The two of us had spent the last hour or so searching for a place to study, more like for Haruhi to study seeing as I'm one of those people who don't study and pass tests, but also that I was here mainly on a performing arts scholarship so my academic grades didn't really matter too much. We eventually stumbled upon a music room.

"Music room 3"

There was something about this room, but I couldn't place my finger on it, Haruhi slowly opened the door only for us to be bombarded with rose petals and a bright light.


Standing in the middle were six guys four of which I recognised, sat in the middle on a throne was Tamaki behind him on both sides where Hikaru and Kaoru, next to Hikaru stood Kyoya, the other two where a short child like boy with blonde hair holding a pink rabbit on the back of a taller boy with dark hair  and a stoic look.

"Look Kyoya it's Alice along with the new honour student Haruhi Fujioka"

Haruhi looked frightened this is the first time she's encountered Tamaki, she's gonna have to get used to that.

"How do you know my name?"

"Its not often a commoner makes their way in to Ouran, kyoya stated nonchalantly, he then went on to say that Haruhi must have an audacious nerve to be an honur stduent here.

"Real smooth Kyoya have you forgotten that I'm a so called 'commoner' as well who also got to be here due to a scholarship", I said reminding the host club I was there.

"They're some fancy words coming from you Orchid.", guess who that came from.

"Well last time I checked I was at the top of my class here and back in England for English and you, I remember came 5th at the end of the year in middle school."

Hikaru immediately stepped back, Tamaki continued to hastle Haruhi until she bumped into a pedastle knocking over a vase, me being me ran to try and stop it breaking on the ground but I was too late and I ended up landing in the shards of china on the ground.

"Now You've done it commoner"

"We were gonna auction that vase at the school fair", the twins say.

"Umm injured girl over here" I said holding up my arm that was covered in blood.

"The bidding of that vase was going to start at 8,000,000 yen"

Haruhi began to freak out about the price of the vase which caused Tamaki to go on about how Haruhi will become the host clubs dog, while I went and sat on one of the sofas in the room.

"Don't mind me I'll just die of blood loss over here"

I went to go wash my arm and clean my wounds, I literally look like I've been in a fight, I ran my arm under the tap and hissed at how much it stung, but it wasn't as bad as the pain of the scars on my arm and the rest of my body gave me. As soon as I got back to the host club Haruhi was in the changing room wearing the female uniform.

"What the fudge did I miss I swear I wasn't gone that long"

"I'll explain at home Alice"

The host club looked at me with confusion on their faces except fort he tall stoic guy and Kyoya.

"The Fujioka family is my host family until I leave Ouran in three years"

Tamaki looked disheartened, but I was soon brought out of my thoughts by the small third year from earlier.

"We haven't met, I'm Mitskuni Haninozuka  but everyone calls me Honey and this is Takashi Morinozuka but every one calls him Mori"

"Nice to meet you Honey-senpai, Mori-senpai"

"Is you're arm okay" Honey asked very concerned.

"It's fine Honey-senpai"

He then went with Mori to host some more guests, I'm surprised the host club is still open actually, I decided to sit wiht Kyoya because... well just because.

"Is your arm okay Alice"

"Yes Kyoya it's  fine"

"So why did you decide to sit here"


"To help pay for the vase you will perform here at least once a week"

"What! You know how I feel about performing in front of others"

Kyoya didn't say anything after that and we sat there in silence for a while until Haruhi and I Left the host club and went home, Haruhi began to recite what happened.

"Wait, so you're telling me in the time I was gone you were promoted to host, had your bag thrown in the pond, the host club thought you were a boy and Tamaki walked in on you changing and now to repay your debt you have to pretend to be a boy. HOW LONG WAS I GONE FOR!!!!"

"I don't know but this is gonna a hell of a year"

Yep Haruhi got that right, I don't know how im gonna deal with seeing the host club every week I know that Kyoya is gonna try to get them to get me to open up more but that's never gonna happen the old 13 year old me hasn't been seen since last summer.


I'm so so sorry that this is late I hadn't really felt like writing and I dont think this chapter is that good but I needed to write it.

On Saturday the mew in paris story will be updated and the update schedule will be resotred-ish

bye guys

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2016 ⏰

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