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Right this chapter may be short as I don't have much time today because I have a school concert thing which I'm at now and I don't finish till 9 help me 😭😭
Any way on with the story
I was so excited as today Hannah comes round for our sleep over, we agreed that we were gonna watch all of Tokyo ghoul in one night, this is gonna be fun😆😆😆.

I heard the door bell ring and ran down stairs as quickly as i could, I opened the door to be met with a bear hug and an ear piercing scream.

"This is gonna be soooooo much fun"

"Hannah ears"

"Oh sorry", she gave me an apologetic smile which I could not resist.
"Come on I have news for you"

This peaked her interest so much she ran right to the living room and sat down with an eager face plastered on.

"What is the is news that the great Alice has for me!?"

I giggled, I've always loved her loud and quirky personality she was the exact opposite of me, I guess opposites attract does have some truth to it.

"Well I've been given the chance to become an exchange student at Ouran for 5 years"

Her face literally filled with excitement, she bulldozed me hugging till I was about to suffocate.

"That's awesome!!!"

"Yea it is"

"So when do you leave"

"Just before August"

Her face saddened.

"That's means I won't be going to school with you anymore"

I facepalmed I had said I would be away for 5 years I thought that she would have figured that out but apparently not.

"I did say that I would be there for 5 years"

"Oh yea you did"

"Come on let's start our Tokyo ghoul marathon"

After I said that she bounced back to her usual self.

"Hell yea we shall!"

We fell onto the sofa in a massive laughing fit and started the first episode of Tokyo ghoul.

A while after the third episode hannah asked me about the trip.

"Do you know who your host family will be?"

"I do, its the Fujioka family"

"Cool, I'm really gonna miss you"

"I'll miss you too"

We started tearing up and just sat there for a minute or two hugging.

"Promise me that well talk everyday"

"Of course i would never leave my best friend out of the loop"

We sat silently for the rest of the night only talking when something interesting happened in TG, Hannah has been my best friend for years and the person that introduced me to the friends I have now, without her i would be alone all the time, but know I'm going to have to make friends all on my own and I'm not a very social butterfly.

After about episode 7 we started to drift off to sleep and that's what we did, but I was woken up by a text, it was from Yuzuru.
Y: Just to let you know I have a son in the year above yours so don't hesitate to ask him about anything, I hope that you two become good friends.

That made me smile at least I have one friend there that I may be able to trust, and with that thought it let sleep consume me with Tokyo ghoul giving me a send off with the start of another episode.

Hi sorry if this was short to tired to write more but i still wanted to update because i said i would try to update everyday until christmas
next Wednesday i should have a lot more time to write a better chapter for u guys
buh bye now!!!

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