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Hi guys happy late valentines I should have actually written this earlier instead if at 10 o'clock at night on a Monday but ... Oh well this may be terrible as I'm tired and sad from the volume finale of RWBY.
Never mind that lets get on with the story.
Yay Valentine's the worst day for singletons like me, honestly I don't care, in my opinion it's just a cash in pressured onto people to buy their loved ones gifts, I don't understand why there has to be a designated day to show affection to one another. As I walked into the school I saw multiple girls giving the boys they lied various gifts, I only had small gifts for Tamaki and Kyoya as thanks for the Christmas presents and for friendships sake, I could see Hikaru talking to a girl confessing, he was pretending to be Kaoru, that's heartless the girl ended up running away crying. Hikaru caught my glance from where I was at the fountain he shrugged and I glared at him and went to find Tamaki and Kyoya, how dare they toy with girls feelings even if not all girls are like that it still hurts.

Ah it's finally lunch time lessons why you be so boring, I made my way to the practice room and for some reason felt like singing a sad song for what ever reason I don't know. I made my way over to the piano, I'm still surprised that there was actually one in here, I sat down at the piano my fingers glancing over the keys, I stayed silent for a bit remembering the chords and melody.
(Play song)

During playing I could feel my eyes tearing up, it's not often that it happens but this song does, I guess it kind of represents me in some ways.

"That was beautiful I didn't know you could play so well"

I smiled as the voice filled the room.

"I've only had a few lessons over the last year, so thank you Tamaki"

I turned to see Kyoya and Tamaki standing  next to the piano.

"I have valentines gifts for you both"

I darted to my bag, pulling out a picture I drew of all three of us In personalised frames, Tamaki's had crowns and white roses on while Kyoya's was black with lavender roses on.

"Here a drawing of the three of us" I handed them the frames.

"Thank you Alice do you have one?" Kyoya asked.

I smiled and opened the locket I had been wearing all day to shoe that the exact same drawing inside, Tamaki gave me a big hug and Kyoya dragged Tamki off to the library to study for their exams before the end of the year. After they left I sat in the room for a while eating my lunch, just thinking about whether my mother will wake up or not haven't heard from the hospital in. A while and I'm still in the dark about my brothers thank you NHS although you do give us free health care, anyway I opened my locket again this time to a picture of me, my mum and my brothers I smiled remembering that day, it was my tenth birthday and the four of us went down to London for the day we just explored London all day and to top it off went on the eye. My dad was at work that day but still got me a present it was a large packet of sweets, I appreciated the present but it would have been better if he came with us and in three years it all went down hill. I stopped my self from thinking about it too much and instead focused on what I'm gonna do for my birthday in two weeks it might be the last time I see Tamaki and Kyoya before they go to High-school I'm not sure, still haven't quite figured out how the school year works yet.

I was walking home and decided to meet Haruhi at school though hers finishes 5 minutes after mine so I had to wait outside which meant students leaving stared at me assuming I'm a rich girl from the Ouran uniform I just ignored them, when Haruhi approached the gates I smiled.

"Hi Haruhi"

She seemed surprise to see me here.

"Alice why are you here?"

"I decided to meet you at school today"

She nodded and we both walked home discussing our day, stopped off to buy food and talking about when we get to Ouran in a year or so, Haruhi and I are probably going to spend most of it studying with me drawing and playing instruments In between. After we ate dinner I went out with my drawing pad I had gotten recently and sat onto of the hill in the nearby park again a tree. I decided to draw the skyline, for me dawning had always been peaceful for me, only recently have I decided to draw more often it was surprisingly warm for a February evening. I leaned back against the tree and "examined" my drawing it wasn't the best but was good considering I've only started taking it seriously in the past month I sighed realising how tired I was getting. Ranka should be home but now so I started to walk back home but was stopped by a familiar voice.


"Yes Kaoru?"

He seemed shocked that I knew it was him.

"I'm not an idiot, even thought you haven't spoken to me in many months I can still tell who is who out of the two of you"

"Okay then. Well I just wanted to know why you were here?"

"Why? You haven't cared about what I've been doing I ages why start now?"

"I don't know about Hikaru but I've been worried about you, all of a sudden you stopped talking to us"

"That's none of your business and as to why im here, I was drawing and just about to go home"

"I didn't know you draw"

"Hmm. Wonder why anyway bye"

I turned my back and walked back home leaving Kaoru there, why after all this time would he be here let alone want to know what I'm doing. When I got home Haruhi had already gone to bed and Ranka was reading I said hello to him and he went to bed saying that he was going to as soon as I had gotten home, I headed to Kotoko's shrine"

"Hi Kotoko, I think this is the first time I've actually said hello, even though your not here and I never knew you I still feel that I can talk to you. I just don't know what to do my mother may or may not still be in a coma my bothers and father haven't been mentioned to me ad my only friends are heading to high-school soon, if you were here I'm sure you would give great advice, Goodnight"

I yawned and got ready for bed, by the time I had a shower and was in my pyjamas it was around 11 ish, I may be really tired and grumpy tomorrow?
Woo chapter done finished roughly the same time it was started the next day
Half term, the week where no one goes to sleep until the early hours of the morning the next day.

I really should plan chapters which is why I might start writing the birthday/white day chapter either now or tomorrow if anyone has ideas for chapters let me know I'm probably gonna run out soon.

Have a nice week and I'm probably gonna write another chapter for the mew in Paris thing soon.

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