Chapter 6: Cruel Accident

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"It's like your the Jesus of all good luck! Rub some of that on me too, will ya?!" Saki slouched against her fortuned friend and Lala seemed like she would start crying tears from stubbornness in any second. "Maybe we jinxed it somehow, and instead of all the luck coming to us it bounced off to her."

The girls were situated in their last lesson of the day: social studies. Her friends hoarded a slight resentment towards their best friend for gaining so many opportunities to become an acquittance with the sought after new students. "Not my fault why the universe is forcing them to interact with me." (Y/n) answers, looking a bit disinterested at her exercise book.

"Maybe, but you could try to be a bit more incognito." Lala chimes in, looking like she's on cloud nine.

"What's up with you, you don't like this subject." Her sister points out.

"Because I was never given a reason to like this subject....until he came in." She was sending dreamy looks towards a certain red-haired boy with arctic orbs.

"The answer for question number one is: the plans for demolishing the 'Greenpeace Park' in order to build a leisure centre, were postponed because of the amount of people that came to protest against the Greenland being build upon, since it was a home to many migrating birds and their only food source along their journey to much warmer parts. This caught the sights of the media and thus brought more attention to the public and so this brought on peaceful protests that cancelled the plan." A few of the girls were on the brink of swooning at the highly intelligent male that made a great impression with his wit during the first few minutes of class.

"He's so smart~ it's like he knows everything about everything." (Y/n) really hoped that this fangirl phase would soon be done and forgotten just so the twins could finally react like regular human beings.

"He seemed a bit pompous to me. Look at him, he doesn't even look at anyone else in the eyes. Have you noticed that?"

"Yeah, he has very beautiful eyes~" Lala was too absorbed by the red headed boy, hoping he would at one point look her way.

"I heard his name is Kaito. He's this prodigy genius that talks to very phew people." Saki leaned in and spoke to her friend mutely, "apparently he talked back to Mr Hoshi about how an answer on the board was wrong and they got into this debate and in the end, the new guy won!" If anyone had studied in the this school for long enough, they would know that Mr Hoshi was one of the strictest, stubborn and grumpy teachers there is. None had ever dared to speak back to him twice after he gave you one of the most diminishing and self esteem lowering scoldings anyone could receive. He had a true talent in belittling people, especially his students.

At this new found knowledge, (Y/n) couldn't help but feel impressed and a bit frightened towards the young man. "I could only imagine what Sir's expression must have been like." (Y/n) heard the other twin gasp and turned her way to make sure she hadn't accidentally choked on something.

"He's looking this way! He's looking this way! Do I look ok, I don't have any tangles do I?! I can't believe he finally looked at me!" (Y/n) noticed that the new student was, in fact looking their way. But it took her approximately 5 seconds to realise he's eyes weren't focused on her friend. Instead they slightly shifted towards looking at (Y/n). The girl hoped he hadn't heard what she said about him and turned her attention back to the teacher.

After a few minutes of ignoring the sensation of a gaze staring directly into her soul, her patience was diminishing with every second. The tension became so high, the (h/c) haired female was ready to shout out- "WHAT!?" - in any second, in order to relieve some frustration.

Just as she felt like her sanity was slipping, the bell rung and it stabilised her temper. "Alright, I want everyone to take their revision books and exercise books to complete their homework for Wednesday. That table go first......then that one.....then that one and then the rest of you." As the teacher excused all the students, (Y/n) takes all the equipment necessary and raced towards the door. Just as she set one foot past the door frame, it took her a second before she realised how her body was flying forward.

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