Chapter 46: Cornered

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"What are you going to do (Y/n)?" Saki looked over to her paralysed friend that was attempting to block out the sounds of the ringing phone.

"...I'm tired...I'm so tired..." The girl gently rubbed her face and massaged her head as she pondered on what to do. After a large sigh, she took the device in her aching hands and lifted it to her ear. "What-?"

"Hahaha! Fantastic darling! Absolutely amazing! Bako just arrived and explained to us what stunt you pulled, and I must tip my hat to your resoluteness." The girl rolled her eyes at the comment and leaned against Lala for a more comfortable position. "But I am quite disappointed that you're not here right now, did you not want to come back?" The female growled at the question, knowing he was trying to trigger her.

"Don't you dare try and hurt my friends again." It was a quiet warning, filled with emotion and purpose.

"Aaww did Kenzan not like our welcome? I guess next time I'll have to try harder." (Y/n) glared at the phone as a dark chuckle emerged from the speakers.

"Shouldn't you be at school. You don't want your grades to go down, right?" Kaito let out an irritated sigh at the change of subject.

"You think we care about school right now? Our top priority is you, (Y/n). So why don't you be a sweetheart and make this easy for all of us?" The girl scoffed and chose to remain quiet for the time being. "Nothing...? You do know what happens to your precious friends if you don't agree to our terms?" The female gulped at the reminder but refrained from responding, analysing each cynical and cryptic word. "Just because you saved your boyfriend doesn't mean you'll be able to protect all of your friends."

"I won't let you hurt them." However she was given an amused chuckle to indicate the boy's doubtful nature.

"Really? How fun! Then I guess you'll be running after Nami right now?" The girl felt her heart sink at the mention of her friend's name and felt a nauseas sensation rising in her throat.


"Ren was quite livid when he found out you were not coming. I tried to stop him but the boy was simply blinded by rage, so he left without any explanation." The intellectual innocently described, having little to no indication of regret in his voice.

"Where is he?!" Lala kept tugging at the girl's shirt in an attempt to catch her attention and demand for an explanation. (Y/n) swatted the girl's hand away and gestured for her to keep quiet.

"Hhhmm...maybe around that little alleyway, near the bus stop. He's quite attentive over where he would perform such a bold move." The girl growled and bolted up from the couch towards the door. "Aaww, no 'thank you' for the insight?" The boy cooed out, hearing the indicative shifts from beyond his line.

"I'll be thankful when you're dead." (Y/n) hung up and grabbed the coat that originally belonged to her geography partner.

"(Y/n), what's going on?" The two sisters came up to the girl, ready for another round of hassle.

"I think Ren is going to hurt Nami. I need to go."

"Wait, we'll come with you-" Lala was interrupted by the negative shakes of the girl's head.

"Not this time, I know that Ren has a weapon in use and I need you two to look after Kenzan." (Y/n) pushed the door to the outside and quickly exited the house, ignoring the painful strain she was putting on her legs.

"Are you kidding with us?! What are we supposed to do if something happens to you?!" Saki shouted from the doorway, preparing to dash after the running girl.

"Just stay here where it's safe! I'll figure something out!" (Y/n) shouted back, keeping a stern stare forward as she ran to aid her friend.

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