Chapter 69: Deceitful Choices

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(Y/n) stared at Jin with a horrified, gut feeling and watched as both the boys exchanged challenging gazes of vehement and harmful intentions.

Jin took a moment to look back at the stunned female and give her a sweetened smile. "Don't worry (Y/n). This will be over quickly." Ren's last tempered nerve flared at the boy's words and lunged towards him. The brunet reflexively dodged the upcoming punch. Before his arm could fully swing around, Ren halted the rotation to shoot his elbow towards the opposing male, only for him to predict the sudden switch in motion ducked down before it came within an inch of his face.

The emerald eyed boy retreated two paces back to prepare for any other upcoming blows and think over his own moves. Ren's seething glare fixated on the unharmed boy before an amused chuckle escaped his lips. "You do a superb job at dodging Jin. But I know how uncoordinated you are when throwing punches." Jin gave his friend a saddened smile and approached the unsuspecting boy with slow movements.

"It's true...I don't have the physical power to actually cause you any harm...That's why I rely on my resources." Ren raised his eyebrow at the approaching male before the boy darted at him, colliding both their bodies as either side stood at a stand still in the station. (Y/n) stood at the side, watching as neither male moved from their position and kept their forms locked together. The brunet's lips spread into a wide, ecstatic smile as the other male stumbled back to remove himself away from his attacker to reveal the bleeding gash that had been caused by the smooth blade of the letter opener in his opponent's hand.

(Y/n)'s body froze as the crimson matter escaped from the open wound in his abdomen. The male choked out the vermilion fluid as he slid against the wall, clutching onto the gushing cut to maintain as much of the contents as possible. Jin proudly grinned at his handy work and walked towards the struggling male to jab the soaked weapon back into the wound, to agitate it around and breach a deeper opening.

(Y/n) began trembling at the unnaturally pleased expression on the umber haired boy's features as he kept digging the coated blade to slash the laceration further. The male chuckled as blood cascaded from his friend's choking mouth, to drop down to the floor as his face morphed into pure agony from the teasing torture. "You know, I never understood how you can hate this so much, Ren." Jin pulled the knife out with a quick swiftness and admiringly gazed at his painted hands with an intrigued grin. "It's such a pretty, red colour...a soft and smooth texture...and yet you're shaking just from the sight of it."

Ren's mind seemed to blank out as his world entered a monochrome tint that only allowed for the ruby liquid to be seen in its full saturation. His hands began trembling, not from the harrowing pain, but from the flashing images that entered his subconscious and peripheral area of his dipping mind. "Sister..." As his whisper mixed into his gurgling chokes, he felt an invisible jab at the heart that seemed to be worse than any physical wound that could be brought.

Jin grabbed the limp boy's scalp to bring his face up to look at his lifeless, teared optics. "You say that (Y/n) isn't meant for me. I wonder how she'll feel about a man without any eyes." The boy brought up the bloodied knife towards the wounded male's orbs and tauntingly hovered the blade mere inches from his retinas. "We'll just have to see then...well, at least for some of us." Jin happily grinned to himself as he retracted the cutter to build up momentum before he would jab it through.

"Stop this! Jin, don't!" (Y/n)'s body reacted out of reflex as she held back the boy's preparing arm and shouted her pleads to cease the assault. The boy in question looked back to gaze at the girl with an innocent smirk that seemed to covet his darker intentions.

"How sweet~ (Y/n) is all worried and concerned over Ren's wellbeing. I wonder how much she'll morse over him after he goes."

"And I wonder how much she'll love a man that has his brains blown out." Jin glanced back with an aggravated glint in his eyes before his gaze fixated at the shooting weapon placed in front of his face while Ren smirked as he pointed his gun towards his assailant.

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