Chapter 11: An Unpleasant Surprise

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Rotating around, (Y/n) discovered who the new addition to the group was. "You don't mind if I take her off your hands, do you? Sweet (Y/n) here, promised me that she would help me out with my maths since I'm absolutely hopeless at it." Ryo exaggerated his claim by adding body gestures to show he was venting his woes. "I can't thank you enough (Y/n)!"

"What?" (Y/n) fixated her attention on the blond, trying to figure out if she had actually promised him such a thing, considering she seemed to be making a habit out of involving herself in this type of subject matter.

"And it was so tough for her to decide between the plans she already made with you guys. But, alas I convinced her to help me out. So please don't hold it against (Y/n), if anything, punish me for taking up her valuable time." He ended with a dramatic half swoon.


The rest of the boys glanced at each other to confirm if what was said seemed genuine. With a bit of reluctance, they finally took a step back to give the girl some space. Their expressions saddened and some disappointment could be noticed in their features.

"B-but-" Ryo quickly took notice of the contradiction coming his way, so he speedily scanned the room and smirked at the opportunity he received.

"Hey Bako, isn't that your guide right there?" The azure boy looked at the direction where his friend was pointing at and lost all colour to his face. Maki spotted the male and he quickly ducked out of view, hoping she hadn't seen him noticing her. Bako made sure to quickly make an exit before his guide got to him.

Seeing he finally got rid of one obstacle, Ryo took (Y/n) by the hand and was about to leave when Ren decided to interject as well, "Hold on. I know she promised to you first but-"

"Dude, I heard that a few guys are going to go and trash up the music room, can you believe it?!" Ren stopped in his speech and with ought any other inclination, ran out of the lunch hall, most likely to stop an assault that won't happen.

The golden boy figured he wouldn't have any trouble with the silent friend left so he simply dragged the girl away. "What?" (Y/n) still couldn't understand what was happening.

When Ryo was satisfied with the distance they gained, away from the others, he let go of the bewildered (e/c) eyed female. After making sure they were finally alone, the blond turned to the confused girl to disambiguate a few things. "Gosh, you seem to have got 3 guys going after you." He playfully smirked and (Y/n) rose her eyebrow at his claim.

"Nah, I'm just friendly." It was Ryo's turn to hook his own brow up at the girl's obliviousness. "By the way, what was that about?!" He gave her a faultless smile and looked at her, innocently.

"What? You seemed to be having trouble with bouncing the guys around. I decided to help you out." He held his hands up, signalling he had no ulterior intentions. The girl sighed, wondering if she should thank the boy for saving her or interrogate him, weather he needed something more. All of a sudden, a hand clasped her chin and forced her to look up at a pair of light-syrup eyes. She blinked a few times trying to figure out what the action was brought upon, but was met with an intrigued grin. "Your quite the spectacle, (Y/n)." Just as the girl was going to say something, the blond pulled away as if nothing had happened. "Well, let's go." The female's endeavour to question him about each one of his performances, were invalid as he started to yank her in a random direction.

"Where are we going? I want my lunch!" She began complaining but was quietened as a finger was gently placed to her lips.

"You should really learn to take things as they come." Holding onto his trademark smile, the charismatic male continued on his way again with (Y/n) by his side. She decided not to attempt to inquire any more of his motivations and concluded her best bet would be to go along with what he wanted.

After a while of walking in silence, the boy finally comes to a halt, and to (Y/n)'s displeasure, she finds out why. "Honestly, why were you so tardy? This trait is nothing creditable and-" as the lateritious intellectual took notice of the girl's presence, his face contorted into an expression of puzzlement, surprise and dissatisfaction. Unlike the female, who had resentment to greet him with. "What is this nuisance doing here?"

"Hello to you too...." She irritable retorted under her breath, but loud enough so she is heard. The bigoted male adjusted his glasses and ignored the remark.

"Is this the inchoate reason you were late? How pitiful." He began strutting off in a direction, expecting the other two to follow him.

"Let's go." The blond tugged at the girl's wrist to beckon her to come along. But she took her hand back with the minimal of efforts. She stood behind with he arms crossed and an unhindered countenance.

"I'm not going anywhere with him." She gestured towards the red headed student.

"Good, that makes two of us." The boy in question agreed.

"Come on, you don't even have to look at each other and we'll be finished in no time." The boy tried to stay optimistic.

"Where are we even going, and why am I a part of this?" (Y/n) couldn't understand what was so important for her to follow them.

"You'll see, just come with us!" The golden haired boy bounced up to show his hype for whatever activity they were going to perform. With ought waiting for her answer, he grabbed her arm once again and began a light jog. Kaito started a speed walk to keep up with his pumped up friend.

'What's up with this guy? Can't he see I don't have any intention in spending time with that manic. And didn't he say he had "no ulterior motives?" Damn it, I'm seriously going to miss my lunch-'

On the way, a younger student accidentally bumps into the red haired male, dropping his books. (Y/n) grinned at the scene of Kaito finally getting hit in some way, but soon enough became irritated when the teal eyed male started laying his anger out on the poor boy. "Watch where your going, brat!"

"I-I'm so sorry-"

"You will be. I hope you are aware that I can ruin you. I think you'll find that whatever I say sounds quite plausible, even if it's a lie." He sadistically grinned down at the frightened boy, and joined his, now serious friend and (Y/n). "Are we going to go?" He commanded instead of questioned. Ryo heaved a sigh at his friend's actions and was about to continue with what they were doing before the interruption, when the (e/c) eyed girl tore herself away from the group to approach the worried and shaken up boy that was gathering his equipment. She kneeled down and began helping him pick up his things which lead him to look at her in surprise.

"You don't have to, I'll be just fine-"

"I know I don't have to." Was all she said and continued helping the fallen student out. While this was happening, Kaito couldn't help but stare at her action. He analysed the scene from every possible angle, trying to figure what she was gaining from aiding the younger student. When she was finished, she waved the boy off and returned to the two new students. The crimson male expected a scolding or some innocuous comment from the girl, but she simply didn't look at him and walked along with his blond friend. A bit baffled at the lack of reaction she gave him, he inwardly growled.

Eventually, they all stopped in front of a classroom and as (Y/n) entered it, she found it was, in fact empty. She looked towards the cheerful male, inquiring what he was planning to do here. "Alright, remember when I said that you had promised me to help out with my maths assignment?" (Y/n) briefly nodded at his unusual approach. "Well, that's not far off the truth. I really do need your help with a math project and from what I heard, you were one of the best in the entire year group, or even the school! So can you help a poor guy out?" He gave her a pleading look and she contemplated weather this was worth missing her lunch.

'Then again, he did help me out earlier.....and if I go back now, I risk ending up in the same situation again.....' She looked back at the blond and then something struck her. "Why don't you ask him, he's supposed to be this gifted genius, I'm sure his knowledge on the subject is better than mine." As she said this, the (e/c) eyed female noticed the boy she was referring to was glaring daggers at her.

"Actually, this may surprise you but he is, in fact, not very good at math so he's as clueless as me." (Y/n) couldn't help but give an unintentional smirk of victory at the new information of the pompous male, failing in arithmetics. Despite the ruby haired student wishing death on her with his icy stare, she ignored it, resonating with pride.

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