Chapter 30: Protect

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(Y/n) felt a horrible chill coursing through her skin, visually shaking from the sheer force of the vibrations. Kenzan clearly noticed the distressed body language and frowned down at his friend. "What's wrong? Is the ice-cream too cold?"

(Y/n) shook her head dismissively and entered a thoughtful state. "No, I've just been getting these weird chills all of a sudden. It's been bothering me so much, and this time, it was such a huge sensation!" Kenzan also seemed to consider the girl's words in a concerned manner.

"You know, some people say that these things are omens of upcoming danger. If you've been having them for this long and severe then there must be something pretty big and horrible coming your way." Despite the boy having a worried and distressed expression, (Y/n) simply snickered at that claim.

"You know I don't take these kind of things seriously. It's probably because of the sudden change of weather, and my body thinks I'm still in the summer time." The girl stretched her arms out in a relaxed manner and took another lick of her ice cream.

"If you say, it really hasn't changed has it?" Kenzan stopped at the threshold of the girl's house and stared up at the all too familiar building. "It's just like I remember you still have those Mew Mew posters in your room?" He amusingly grinned towards the embarrassed girl.

"No! I got rid of those years ago!" She shouted at him, making a quick mental note to take the posters down if she ever invited the boy over.

He chuckled and patted the girl's head to sooth her. And to his delight, (Y/n) melted into his touch like a kitty. "I'll see you tomorrow (Y/n). Keep safe."

"I'm always safe, I can take care of-" she nearly choked on her own words when she felt the warm lips of the boy touch her forehead and as they pulled back, stretched out in a wide smile.

"Like the good old days, right?" With a small chuckle, he left the paralysed and flustered girl to process what had happened and felt her knees shaking from the pure shock of the action. It seemed like an eternity had gone by when she finally regained her composure and stumbled towards her house, with many thoughts and emotions swirling around her.

Time Skip

"And remember not to use the stove. You know you can't cook with it, I know you can't cook with it, just use the microwave and hopefully that will keep the house in one piece." (Y/n) rolled her eyes at the number of security rules, she had to take account for and remember, that were being sent her way.

"I know gran, I'm not that clueless." She interlocked with the elderly woman in a cuddle. It's been only 2 hours since (Y/n) had come back from school and experienced one of the best moments in her life, and now it all seemed to be shadowed over with the departure of her grandmother.

When they parted, (Y/n) could see the slight coat of tears in her grandmother's eyes and she herself felt a bit emotional at the departure. "And don't forget to go buy milk and puppy kibble for that little dog you think I don't know about." The elderly woman cheekily ordered the astonished girl and headed towards her awaiting taxi.

"Y-You know about him?!" (Y/n) tried to figure out how her grandmother could have known about the animal.

"Dear, I've seen you at your best and your worst, you really think I wouldn't find out about a dog living in the backyard? I'm not blind just yet." After the pair chuckle at the situation, it was finally time for (Y/n) to say goodbye to the elderly woman. "And look after yourself, I'll still ask for an explanation of what happened yesterday." (Y/n) waved at the withdrawing cab and waited in the chilled air for a few moments to fully grasp the idea that her carer was gone.

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