Chapter 81: Shared Feelings

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(Y/n) attempted to amuse herself with the variety of channels she was allowed to access on the television, only to be painfully brought back to reality as she was reminded of her current position.

She chose the relaxing option of laying down in the bed, staring up at the ceiling as she tried to make her mind wonder to distractions that would ease her situation, however was painfully reminded as she still felt the uncomfortable cuffs restraining her in one place. After letting out a heavy sigh, she quietened her breath as she heard a pair of reluctant and bold footsteps approaching her door. She sat up with tense expectation, predicting the individual to be headed her way and soon managed to make out the sound of two separate voices protesting against one another. (Y/n) raised an eyebrow at the confusing mess of sounds until a person was pushed past the door's threshold, making both the female and the intruder freeze in place at the sight of each other.

"Nope!" Jin attempted to scuttle out of the area, only to be held firmly back by the male that had dragged him in.

"W-what is all this?" (Y/n) flicked her gaze from Bako to the squirming boy as her eyes demanded for an explanation while she cautiously stared at the male that kept attempting to evacuate the area in a panicked manner.

"I decided to invite Jin over with me, do you mind?"

"Well I-"

"Thanks a bunch, (Y/n). Sit here Jin." Bako forcefully pushed the boy to accommodate in front of the bed while the girl silently stared at him with alertness, afraid she will witness his feral temper.

Bako stepped back to assess the situation with a calculating eye, picking up on the awkward atmosphere surrounding the two individuals, carving a frown of disappointment on his features.

"Hey Jin, why don't you show (Y/n) how to do that pyramid Rubik's cube?" Jin glanced back with a confused expression to accompany his panicked exterior. Before the boy could question on the male's implication, he felt a hard object smacking against his head before clattering to his crossed legs. Jin rubbed the sore spot as he spotted the aim in question sitting on his lap, sparking a new mystery of where it had even appeared.

"Hey, when did you-?" The boy turned back to inquire on the puzzle's arrival, only to be given a scolding glare from the boy for daring to elongate the tension of the situation. "It's called a Rubik's Pyramid..." Jin sulked as he mentally forced himself to begin reconstructing the complex structure of the puzzle.

Bako satisfyingly smiled to himself as the girl took slight interest in the activity. As Jin made a quick job with solving it without complications, he presented it to the girl for her to give it a shot herself.

As the two slowly slid into a casual chatter, Bako's contempt grin slowly disappeared as the pair seemed to enter a pleasant conversation and the boy watched on as he emotionally excluded himself from the two. The azure male looked down at the floor to block off the positive ambiance surround them, until he sighed before choosing to step away from the scene and silently sneak towards the door.

"Hm? Where are you going?" (Y/n) noticed the boy's shadowing behaviour, making the male flinch at his mention.

Bako turned back to give her a reassuring smile, "I'm going to go change in my room now. I didn't have the chance earlier." Before the female could further inquire him he bolted out of sight.

Bako quickly shut his door tightly, locking it securely as though trying to contain himself inside. rather than keep anyone out. He fell into his chair, allowing the relieving sensation of the mental proximity that came with the new surroundings. He lightly rubbed his head, allowing the sorrowful emotions to flow through as envy began spreading through his reasoning. 'I knew this was a bad, what am I talking about? (Y/n) is enjoying herself again, I shouldn't be regretting this...' However his melancholy only continued to drive his mood further down, hearing the muffled sounds of talks emanating from the neighbouring room.

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