Chapter 60: Comfort

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October 9th, Friday

As the girl felt her slumbering state slowly stirring awake, she shifted in the sheets and turned her entire body to one side. When her eyelids began to also enter a more lucid state, they slowly unclenched to reveal her surroundings, nearly forcing the girl to scream in surprise. "What the hell are you doing here?!" She glared towards the red haired male that was comfortably resting against a chair, with a book in hand.

"I was waiting for you to wake up." He simply stated and proceeded to casually flick through a page in the novel.

"That doesn't explain anything!" She threw the sheets over herself, as though feeling completely uncovered to the analysing boy.

"You said you wanted to go out today, right? I was simply waiting for you to wake up so I can take you." He looked towards the nettled girl and mocked her with a calm smile.

(Y/n) felt herself boiling up at the sly grin until her whole body trembled with anger. "" She searched for the correct terminology she could label the smug male in her vocabulary.

Kaito simpered at the attempts of name-calling and shrugged his shoulders. "'You' what? Go on, I've already been called everything possible: 'douchebag', 'a**hole', 'b*****d', 'a**hat', 'monster', 'b***h'-"

"Pervert!" The boy ceased his confident listing to stare at the girl's words.

"Pervert...? Hahaha!" The girl squirmed back at the outburst of unexpected laughter that came from the boy. "Haha, alright, that's a first." As his tittering began to slowly simmer down, he felt the soft impact of a pillow hitting his head. He looked towards the fabric and traced his gaze back at the thrower of the object.

"Get out! I need to change if we're going anywhere." She irritatingly glared at the boy, awaiting for his departure.

"Why? I thought I was a pervert, so I might as well commit to the role." The male cockily smirked at the vexed girl, and received another round of pillows being thrown at him. As he indifferently dodged each launch, the boy kept a sly grin on his assured features.

"Out!" She used her pent up rage to grab the chair the intellectual was resting on, and scrape it all the way to the door. Kaito was slightly surprised at the burst of strength she displayed and was stunned up to the point of his positioning outside the female's room. "Stay there!" She slammed the door, separating both of them into either section of the house.

Kaito stared at the door for a few seconds before an amused chuckle erupted from his throat. "'Pervert'...stupid girl~"

(Y/n) emerged from her room with her new clothing attire, and a jacket to protect her from the cold. "Am I actually going to go outside?" She gaped at the male with a hopeful look as he nodded his head in a confirming answer. "Thank who's going to escort me?" She glance around to spot any sign of the other residence that would accompany her on her outing.

"It's going to be just me...unless you want someone specific." However, he received a negative shake of the head from the girl.

"It's fine, I'm just happy I'll be finally going out." As the pair began making strides to the exit of the house, the boy noticed a spring in the female's step that gave away her eagerness to finally see the outside world again.

When the gate shut behind her, (Y/n) felt highly rejuvenated by the freeing sensation that came with her separation from the house and dared a glance towards the boy, with a sly grin.

"Aren't you afraid I'm going to try and run away?" The boy responded with a mocking smirk that seemed to challenge her nerve in escaping.

"Good luck with that, I've got all the others on speed dial. You try something, we'll be surrounding you like an animal." The girl grunted at the debunking statement, and proceeded to take her first steps outside while the boy followed in close pursuit.

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