Chapter 43: Talks

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"Alex, settle down." Kaito scolded the boy that had been pacing across the room for the past hour, like a caged animal. The regarded male ignored the remark and proceeded with his stress-relieving activity. "This is for her own good, if she's going to be this reciprocative, she should familiarise herself with the consequences." The boy growled at his friend's statement and halted his walk to feel the full exhaustion of his movement take over.

"Do you think this gave her a good scare? Will she yield to us now?" Ryo cheerfully smiled at the intellectual.

"(Y/n) can be quite predictable when she lets her emotions run wild. If I instal enough fear into her, she'll be too scared to do anything." The boy proceeded to flip through the pages of his book while Ren tapped his foot against the leg of a chair in an observant manner.

"But how will she react to all this? She won't exactly be thrilled over what we did." Subsequently to finishing his sentence, the buzzer rang to alert them of a presence at the door. Bako took the liberty of breaking away from the group and left to answer the call.

"She needs to know that what we say, goes. She chose to ignore our calls, so we simply stuck to our word." The intellectual shrugged off the entire tribulation, as the sound of a door opening and loudly shutting echoed into the sitting area of the home.

"J-Jin, dude what's wrong-?" The newcomer tread into the living room, focusing his attention on the single boy that was casually reading up until that moment. He made quick strides of approach towards the unprepared male and grabbed a hold of his shirt to drive him to the nearest wall.

He quickly latched his fingers around the intellectual's neck, contracting each digit until they restricted the flow of oxygen into the boy. "I'll kill you...I'll kill you." Jin sternly spoke between clenched teeth while the student in his grasps struggled for air.

"Jin cool it! Let him go-" Bako attempted to interfere before coming to an immediate stop as the assailant coldly glanced his way, holding little emotion to his gaze.

"Stay out of this or you're next." As those words seeped out with warning quietness, the boy turned his attention back to the male in his grasp. "You made my dear (Y/n) shout at me. Because of you, she hates me now. Because of you, she'll never forgive me. Because of you, (Y/n) will never look at me again." As each word flowed out of his mouth in frenzied regret, he clenched his hold around the male's airway, causing black dots to swirl through his vision. For a moment it seemed his head would explode and black out, before Kaito felt the grip on his throat loosen all together, allowing a fresh supply of air to enter his deprived lungs. As the crimson haired male tried to normalise his breathing, he looked down to see his assailant tightly clutching his chest while a slew of coughs and hacks came out in frantic patterns. Kaito signalled for the rest of the group to stay where they were when he saw them making movements to aid both of their friends. The intellectual calmly regained the passive rhythm of breathing and knelt down to the boy who was still struggling to regain his composure between grunts, but was still replete with coughs. Kaito took the chance of the male's weaker state to directly talk to him, without the uncertainty of the boy retaliating.

"Jin, I know you're confused right now and don't like how (Y/n) is abrogating you, but you need to keep in mind that everything that is happening is so that she could come to us. If she says thing or does things that are meant to hurt us, then so be it. It'll only make it worse for her, while she'll soon give herself up. You want her back, don't you?" The male waited for his companion to settle down from his episode and reluctantly nod at his words. "You want (Y/n) to treat you like before, right?" Another nod. "You want (Y/n) to be happy, right?" Another nod. "You want (Y/n) to be amenable, right?" Another nod. Kaito smirked at the boy's ongoing compliance and proceeded to lean towards him in order to privately ask him the question that would permanently cast his mindset. "You want (Y/n), don't you?" Jin swallowed back the eagerness to answer the proposal and firmly nodded as Kaito backed up with a confident grin. "Wonderful, so simply be patient with her and I. She'll soon realise where she truly belongs." The emerald eyed youth sighed, visually calming down and returning to his natural mannerisms. "Don't worry, shouldn't be too long now."

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