How Salad made a friend

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I received word someone actually wants to be salads friend. imagine that.

Dawns Pov

It was Thursday today and Salad had just came home from school. Pebble had gotten her from the bus stop and walked her back home.
"Hey mom!" She says walking in slamming the door and throwing her stuff all over the floor.
"Hi Salad how was school?" I ask.
"Suckish and fucking boring," she answers.
"That's wonderful sweetie," I say disregarding her swears.
"Hey mom can I hang out at Nicole's house today?" Salad asks grabbing some kind of food from the pantry and just shoved it in her mouth.
"Honey, I didn't think Nicole liked you," I respond telling the truth.
"Naw were great friends," she says.
"Okay whatever. As long as it's okay with her mom and dad," I say continuing with my work.

Om... Itz SALADS POV :3 cuz I said so.

I ran over to the neighbors house and swung the door open and walked in.
"Woah woah woah, get out of my house," Tyler says immediately stopping me.
"Lindsey said I could come over though," I lie.
"Fine. Mango and weapon check," he says.
"Fine," I say and put my hands up. He pulls 5 mangos out of my bag and takes my pocket knife and hand gun.
"How do you get these things?" He asks taking them all.
"I know a guy," I smirk.
"Poor Dawn," he says. "Eh. She deserves it for choosing Ruby as her best friend over me." I just stand there confused.
"Nothing kid. I'm gonna go make a mango smoothie now," he says tossing the mango.
"Don't you dare do that with my mangos!" I say.
"And what are you gonna do to stop me?" He asks.
"RWARRRRRRRRR!" I hiss and tackle him I reach for my pocket knife realizing he already took it. "FUCK YOU FOR TAKING MY KNIFE GAAAHHHH!" I yell punching him as hard as I can. He just throws me off.
"Fine! No mango smoothie!" He agrees, "but can I ask why you're in my house?" He asks.
"Because your wife is nicer than my mom," I say.
"I wouldn't argue it," he agrees, "but don't you dare make a mess or you're cleaning the whole thing up yourself and never coming back."
"Got it," I say and walk off to check every room for Lindsey. I stick my head into every room to check for her.
"Salad what are you doing in my house?" Nicole asks.
"Why do you care?" I ask and keep walking.
"Ehem!" She says angry at my sass. Yeah, my mom was right, she doesn't like me. Oh well. I laugh a little to myself when I run into Lindsey in the hallway doing laundry.
"Hi Salad," she says when she sees me.
"Hi Lindsey," I say.
"How are you doing?" She asks me.
"It could be better," I shrug.
"Oh why is that?" She asks me.
"Well you know how I'm like, a spy?" I ask.
"No I didn't," she laughs.
"Well I am, and I keep finding all this weird information," I laugh some. "And then because I know things I end up murdering people," I admit.
"Are you like, Government approved?" She asks.
"Nope. I taught myself how to hack websites and I know everything about you now and your past.
"That kinda scares me..." Lindsey says.
"Why you got something to hide?" I smirk, "like how you secretly dated someone before Tyler even though you said he was your first boy friend."
"Where do you find this stuff?" Lindsey asks.
"I know a guy," I smirk. "Actually I killed her yesterday cuz she was hitting on my Dad... And that's just wrong like ew what the fuck why?"
"I'm not gonna ask anymore," she laughs. "But what is this stuff you find out?"
"I know every grade my mother and father have gotten on their tests since 9th grade. Lemme tell you, my mom wasn't the greatest student at times. I know every party all of you went to. I couldn't hack your grade accounts... It was too hard. Every person you've all ever kissed, your stalkers, what weapons you have, what you did in your past. Okay I know every detail down to what you had for breakfast everyday of your life," I say.
"Prove it. Breakfast, March third, 2013," she says.
"You had a bagel," I answer.
"You remember this off the top of your head?" She asks.
"You either had a bagel or waffles so I just went with bagel," I say.
"You're kind of scary," she says.
"But don't you want to know all of Tyler's personal information?" I ask
"Sure, come into the tea room and let's talk about it."

After giving out ALL of Tyler's personal information, I befriended Lindsey, reclaimed my mangos and weapons (the ones Tyler didn't make into a smoothie at least). I shot Tyler once with my mini gun and walked back home.
"Hey mom I'm back!" I say walking in.
"How's Nicole?" She asks. Totally forgot I said I was hanging with Nicole.
"She's alright," I say.
"That's good," she says.
"Hey mom?" I ask.
"Yeah?" She asks.

Dawns Pov (weird spot but I was dying 😂 so respect!)

"Why can't Lindsey be my mother?" She asks me. My eye twitches.
"You don't want Lindsey to be your mother," I say back.
"Why not?" She asks.
"Because then Tyler would be your dad," I say almost laughing knowing how she hates Tyler.
"Why couldn't Daddy be my Dad and Lindsey be my Mom?" She asks.
"Because life doesn't work that way," I answer.
"Why not?" She asks.
"Okay, fine, it's because people chose to have children," I say.
"And why didn't---" Salad starts.
"O-okay then."

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