chapter 3

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Thankfully, they managed to distract themselves and the plane landed, allowing them to go out as the sun was setting in Africa.

"Wow." Vincent said, amazed.

"Too bad we can't see Kopa..." Akito sighed. "Oh, well, there's always next time."

"They'll probably hear about our arrival." Estelle suggested with a smile.

"Yeah, I guess they will." Akito smiled.

"Well, you two are the best of friends and will be happy to see all of us again." Atticus said.

Vincent smiled.

The plane landed, they gathered their bags and ventured out into Africa.

"Phew!" Mo waved her hand in front of her face. "I still can't decide whether Africa or Australia is hotter."

"I think it's Australia." Atticus said.

"Probably..." Mo shrugged.

The family walked along and soon ran into the Forte family, after meeting and greeting, they then made their way to where the Thornberrys were staying.

"There's the Comvee!" Estelle pointed out, knowing that recreational vehicle anywhere.

"Then let's not waste any time." Akito said.

The kids ran ahead. Simon got out of his mother's grip and started to follow after his sister and cousins.

"Simon's grown up so fast..." Mo noticed. "How old is he now?"

"Just turned three not too long ago," Cherry informed. "I think he's going to be home educated like his sister... Every preschool I go to for an interview is too afraid to even enroll him. I can't imagine why."

"Same here." Forte said.

There was a girl with a chimp. The girl had ginger hair tied into twin braids, wore glasses, appeared to have braces, and wore a short-sleeved shirt with shorts, white socks, and brown shoes. She was with a gray chimp that had a white and blue striped tank top with blue shorts. Larvitar, Vulpix, Teddyursa, and Misdreavus came out of their pokeballs while their trainers were running.

"Eliza!" the chimp spoke up to the girl, having a British accent. "Savages!"

The girl looked and took out her father's binoculars to take a closer look and chuckled. "Those aren't savages, those are kids..."

"What are a bunch of kids doing out here in the middle of the jungle?" the chimp folded his arms. "Why can't you humans keep each other on leashes? It'll keep you all from getting lost!"

"Oh, Darwin, will you calm down we don't always get lost." Eliza told the chimp.

"Hmph..." the chimp folded his arms a little.

Eliza decided to come a little closer as the kids ran. Since the kids saw her, they decided to stop right in front of her and relaxed themselves.

"What's the rush, guys?" Eliza chuckled, doing her very best to be social since she rarely got to meet other humans that were kids like her.

"Sorry, it's just that we are so excited to meet you and your family." Estelle said.

"I guess you watch Dad's nature show." Eliza said to them.

"Yeah, we usually do, Mom's idea since we're home-schooled..." Akito said.

"Not that we wouldn't want to be your friends though..." Estelle spoke up to show they weren't just wanting to be her friends because of that, but because of the person she was on the inside.

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