chapter 13

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The next morning elsewhere...

The girls found a couple of bulls and asking them for help.

"Sure, you can ride with us," one of the bulls told them. "My owner will never know."

"Hurry before he sees us." Estelle told her friends and they rushed to the back of the covered wagon.

"Don't have to tell me twice." Darwin said.

They got to the back and the driver traveled with them, unaware they were in there as there were caged chickens everywhere.

"How did I end up here amongst chickens?" Darwin shuddered a little from the feathers.

"I wonder if Patch's friend Spot's around here?" Estelle asked with a joking chuckle.

"Well, let's hope that we get to the campsite soon!" Darwin complained.

Felicity sniffled and sneezed from the several feathers. "Oh, I hope it is not too far now..."

Meanwhile, back at the Thornberry campsite...

"Guys, this may look like a shark cage, but it's really a playpen," Debbie said as she had Akito, Vincent, and Debbie inside of a cage while Mo decided to go out and find some food for everyone else. "It's where nice little boys play when their sisters need peace and quiet and their mothers go out for errands."

"Debbie! What are you doing?!" Mo scolded.

"Trust me, I know what I'm doing, Mrs. Fudo..." Debbie said to her.

"We're gonna have a serious talk about this when I get back..." Mo firmly looked to the blonde girl and walked off through the forest.

Debbie put the cage door back onto the cage, trapping Akito, Vincent, and Donnie. However, Donnie saw someone coming and happily chattered, very excited right now.

"Wahoo!" Akito cheered.

All three of them then ran out to them, pushing the cage door open. Eliza and Estelle happily reunited with their brothers.

Simon came to the scene and looked around. "Mama...?" he whispered. "Mama..."

"She must still be asleep." Estelle said.

"Well, if it isn't the little boarding school drop-outs and their sidekicks Chimpo and Tweedledum." Debbie glanced to them.

"Save it, Deb," Eliza glanced to her. "We need to talk to Mom and Dad."

"Well, they're not here," Debbie folded her arms. "You can talk to me and pretend I'm listening."

"Well, where are they?" Eliza asked. "And where's Estelle and Felicity's moms?"

"Mom and Dad are in the jungle filming some solar thing," Debbie listed. "Estelle's mom said she was going out for food, and I think Cherry's mom is still asleep or something..."

Eliza noticed that Debbie said 'solar'. "But the eclipse isn't until tomorrow!" she said to her sister.

"What. Ever." Debbie scoffed.

"Fine, we'll call them on the radio." Eliza said, leading Estelle and Felicity to the Comvee doors.

"Don't go in there~..." Debbie warned them.

Eliza ignored that at first, but when she opened the door, she saw her sleeping grandparents and quickly shut the door before she would wake them. "What are they doing here!?"

"Taking you back to England," Debbie replied. "Not that either of you deserve to go."

"Well, we're not going back, we came back to rescue Tally and the others and that's what we are going to do, we just need Eliza's dads help." Estelle said.

Debbie was very frustrated. "What is wrong with you!?" she scolded them. "Eliza, you finally get a chance to escape our rolling jail and instead you come bck with hostages like some freaky homing pigeon!"

Eliza ignored her as she and her friends gained access to the computer.

"Alright, now to draw out a map." Estelle said.

Debbie continued with her rant about how she hated traveling around the world with her family and never being able to live like a normal teenager. Felicity drew the map, tuning her out.

"I don't know about you, but I'm not going to my prom with some purple butted baboon!" Debbie slammed the computer shut so they would listen to her.

"Debbie, leave us alone!" Estelle, Eliza, and Felicity sneered at her.

"We're going to find Mom and Dad and you're not going to stop us!" Eliza added firmly after the map was ready.

"Oh, yes, I am!" Debbie chased after them.

"Debbie, no!" Estelle glared.

"No, Debbie, you're not stopping them and neither are we." Akito said.

Debbie grabbed onto Eliza's backpack, but she stumbled backward, Vincent tripped her, and Akito shut the cage door. Donnie found the keys and decided to take them.

"Hey, let me out of here!" Debbie told them.

"Sorry, Deb, you'll have to take that up with the warden!~" Eliza sang while leaving with the others.

"Should we go too?" Akito asked Vincent as the girls left with Darwin and Simon.

"Yeah, besides it's better than staying with Debbie." Vincent said.

Akito and Vincent then chuckled and eagerly followed the girls. Donnie followed after them after leaving the keys on an ant hill. Debbie cringed as she did her best to reach the keys, though luckily, she was actually able to after she removed the insects before getting the key herself.

As soon as she was out, she got away on the family motorcycle. Mo having to hear the motorcycle ran off to go and find Debbie and stop her from leaving with the vehicle while Eliza's grandfather woke up to the sound of the motorcycle. Eliza's grandmother reassured him it was nothing and the two went back to their lazy slumber.

"If that girl was my daughter, I'd ground her!" Mo growled as she tried to stalk down Debbie. But when she got there, Debbie was gone with the motorcycle, but that wasn't what also caught her attention, she saw a trail of foot prints with the motorcycle tire tracks and she saw that all three of her kids and Eliza's and Felicity's and Darwin's and Donnie's footprints and decided to leave a note and then went off, following the footprints.

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