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~4 years later~

Niall slowly looked in the mirror. He couldn't believe it.

It was his wedding day, he was finally getting married.

He had already gotten his tuxedo on, and all he had to do was fix his hair, and he would be ready to go.

"Niall? Are you almost done getting ready, love?" A voice called from the other room.

"Yeah, Mum! I'm almost done!" Niall shouted.

He styled his blonde locks into a quiff, and then he headed out of the bathroom.

He walked up to his Mum and hugged her.

"Thank you so much for being here with me today," Niall whispered.

He felt tears rush to his eyes.

"Baby, why wouldn't I have came? It's your wedding day! I wouldn't have missed it for the world," she cooed. She slowly stroked Niall's hair.

"I can't believe that I'm getting married to him. I have spent 4 years at college with him, and now we are making the promise to spend the rest of our lives together," Niall sniffled.

"Yeah, Ni. It's a big decision babe," Maura cooed.

"Do you think I should go through with it?" Niall asked.

He looked into her eyes.

"Darling, you and Liam were meant to be together," she said.

"I know, I love him so damn much!" Niall said.

"Wow," she giggled.

"Well, I think we should get going, it's a 4 minute walk to the chapel," Niall sighed.

"Yup. We should get going. But one last thing, I am so proud of you," she said, kissing his forhead.

Niall smiled as he let go of his mom.


Liam paced back and forth. He was standing by the alter in the church.

"Liam, mate. Calm down," Zayn laughed.

He patted Liam on the back.

"I can't calm down, Zayn! I am really nervous. This is the day I commit to Niall, I don't want to ever mess up his life!" Liam snapped.

"Whoa, okay. You don't have to go through with this if you want-" Zayn teased.

"What the actual fuck man? I want to go through with this! I am the one who asked Niall to marry me, I love him! I am madly in love with him!" Liam sighed. He rolled his eyes, Zayn was really starting to get on his nerves.

"Listen, I am just trying to help you. I'm supposed to do that, I am your best man after all," Zayn said. He hugged Liam.

"I'm gonna go check on Niall-" Liam began.

He started to walk down the aisle, but Zayn grabbed his jacket.

"No! You have to wait here! The wedding is starting in an hour, they are now going to let the people in now," Zayn said.

Just as Zayn said that, the doors opened and a crowd of people walked in.

Liam could recognize a few faces. He saw his sisters, his parents, Niall's dad and stepdad. Niall's brother, Greg, and his wife and son, Theo.

Liam scrambled back to the alter, and waited.


The organ music played. Niall could feel the butterflies in his stomach.

All of the groomsmen and flower boys and girls had walked down the aisle.

It was now Niall's turn. He latched arms with his mom, and they slowly started to walk down.

He blushed when he saw all of the people stand, he saw a lot of family and friends.

He avoided looking at Liam, but now he couldn't.

He felt like crying when he saw his handsome groom.

Liam looked beautiful. His brown hair was styled in a quiff, and his facial hair was trimmed. He looked sexy in his black tux.

Niall bit his lip. His mom led him to the alter, kissed him, and sat down in a pew.

"We are gathered here today to witness the spiritual union of Liam Payne and Niall Horan," the priest began.

Niall tuned out what the priest was saying, and he just stared at Liam.

Brown eyes met blue eyes.


"Alright, it is now time for the boys to recite their vows they have made up for each other, will the ring bearer please bring up the rings?" The priest asked.

Theo wobbled up to the priest, carrying a little pillow with the rings on it.

"Thank you," the priest said.

Theo wobbled back to his dad.

"Liam James Payne, here is Niall's ring. You will slip it on Niall's ring finger as you say your vows,"

"Okay," Liam choked. He slowly took Niall's left hand, and he began to slide the ring on Niall's finger.

"Niall, the day I met you was in gym class. I believe that it was our destiny to bump into each other that day. Later that day, we met again, and it was during singing lessons. I heard you sing, and you sounded like an angel. You are an angel, my angel. From that day on, we were connected, and I can't imagine what my life would be like without you. You are my rock, you keep me strong. You are my other half, my partner in crime, my yin to my yang. I love you, and I plan to love you and support you for eternity," Liam said. His voice was shaking, and tears streamed down his cheeks. He smiled at Niall.

Niall felt the tears stream down his own face. He wanted to hug Liam.

"Now, Niall James Horan. It is your turn to recite your vows, and to slip the ring on Liam's finger," the priest said.

Niall took the ring off the pillow. He took Liam's hand, and slid the ring on.

"Liam, I can't begin to describe what you mean to me. You have made me realize that love isn't just a four letter word. You have made me feel things I have never felt before, I love you so much. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to grow old together, I want to be there for you through thick and thin. Today I and making the promise to stay by your side through sickness, through health, and I don't want to be seperated during death. I want each milestone of our life to bring us closer together. Today we are becoming one. I love you, Liam," Niall hiccuped.

"Okay. Now, through the power invested in me, I now pronounce you Mr. and Mr. Payne. Liam, you may kiss your groom,"

Liam grabbed Niall, and kissed him passionately. Niall wrapped his arms around Liam.

After a few minutes of kissing, they finally let go.

Niall stared into Liam's eyes.

"I love you, Niall Payne," Liam whispered.

"I love you too,"




I AM so proud of this book. I love it with all of my heart! <3

I also love you guys!

The true readers (and you know who you are) have been here since the beginning.


But font be too sad, I will be writing a new book soon. I don't think I will do a sequel to this, but if you want I can?? Maybe an Mpreg or something??

But anyways, ily.


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