5 boys + 1

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A blurb about uncle Nathan

Full name: Nathan Sykes

Age: sixteen

Height: 5ft 11'

Weight: 120

Hair color: dirty blonde

Eye color: hazel

Personality: Nathan is the laid back fun uncle. It takes a lot to make him mad. Due to teenage hormones, he hasn't gotten the concept of walk away when you've had enough. Of the five boys, Nathan is the only fluent Spanish speaker. The others, besides Lucy, cannot speak any Spanish.

Fav movie: the hobbit

Fav bands: 1 D and the wanted.

A.N: the five guys in this story are the wanted.

Reasons for trouble: being a little mouthy, cursing in Spanish, and English. Using dirty words in front of Lucy, she repeats them.

Fav Spanish phrase: soy impressionante.

Which translates to "I'm awesome" in English.

Fav pastime: playing with Lucy.

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