Chapter 12: This time I'll make it work.

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"Gerard..." I grumble, pushing him. He was teasing me. I was stood in the front room with my shirt and boxers on and Gerard was wafting my belt in the air. "Give me my belt, I need it if we're going out!"

"Try and reach it Frankie." He chuckles.

"Gee! My pants'll fall down!"

"That's not a problem with me." He smirks.

"I'm not sure the guy's...or the cops would agree of public nudity!"

"I'd make sure no-one saw.."

"Where are you going with this Gerard?" I say, raising my eyebrow in suspician.

He sighs and hands me my belt, slapping my butt as he walks away. I jump a little and squeal before whipping him with my belt and then running like a little kid up the stairs and slamming the door behind me, holding it shut with my entire body weight. I pin my ear against the door and listen as his footsteps get closer and closer, my breathing hard.

Suddenly the door swings open sending me flying. Gerard picks me up and pins me on the bed, knees straddling me at the hips. He pins me down and laughs at my struggles to get free before letting me go and laughing at my pounding heart. I pout for a while, but eventually I give up and smile, giving him a peck on the lips and proceeding to pull my pants on and put my belt through the belt loops, fastening it quickly and grabbing his hand...then noticing the scars from last night.

"Gerard, shouldn't you um...put a jacket on?" At first he didn't know what I was talking about, but then his expressions faded as he realised. He remembered last night. 

"Oh, hold on, lemme get one."

He picks up my 'Smashing Pumpkins' hoodie and slips it on, grabbing my hand once again and giving it a little squeeze. I return it.


Walking out of the front door was simple, it was getting down the street without getting put back into hospital which was the hard part. We walked hand in hand, down the road, Gerard was proud, me on the other hand...well I was a quiverring wreck. I really didn't want to see those guys again.

My paranoia was kicking in, I was spinning and flapping about everywhere. Constantly looking over my shoulders at all times. If I saw them I was ready to run, Gerard being dragged behind me. Eventually, Gerard making soothing circles on the back of my hand with his thumb calmed me enough to be able to walk instead of bounce, and we soon made our way through the front doors of Starbucks.

As I predicted, Ray, Bob and Mikey were all sat in a booth, signalling for us to come over. Mikey was the only one that knew me and Gerard were back together, everyone else thought we'd just made up. Gerard quickly walked us over to the booth, assuming that Mikey would have told them. We sat, having a catch up, laughing and joking, like old times.

"Gerard, why are you stroking my leg with your ankle?" Bob asks, face flushed with embarrassment.

"I, um-uh, oh..I thought it was Franks leg..."

I let out an uncontrollable laughter as I peek under the table to witness Gerard's leg freeze and drop to the floor, then his legs cross around eachother awkwardly. Gerard shoots me a disapproving look and the laughter becomes louder, but I squeeze his hand in comfort and he squeezes it back. That was kind of like our thing now.

"So, you and Frankenweenie are back together then?" The Fro asks.

"Yeah." We say, we both smile at him simultaniously. Then we shoot eachother a loving glance. Gerard pecks me on the lips and I hold my hand on the side of his face.

"I love you Frankie." He says, pulling away slightly.

"I love you too." I answer.

I hear borking noises coming from Bob and Ray chuckles at his immaturity, where as Mikey just sighs.

"Did we come here to make out or did we come here to sort the band out?" Bob breaks the moment up.

"Oh, right...yeah, the band." Gerard quickly get's dragged back into reality, but his hand never leaves mine. Then I feel him stroking my leg with his ankle. I wink at him, he got the right leg this time.

I grasp Gerard's hand under the table, and stroke his hand with the back of my thumb. I did this under the table not wanting to gross the guys out, but Gerard obviously didn't see my logic there. He kisses me once more, gripping the hair on the back of my neck and Bob wretches and stands up suddenly, storming past Ray and Mikey, shoving them back into the booth seats. Woah. What's up with him?

"What was that all about?" I mumble under my breath, slouching in my chair. Gerard gives me a reassuring smile, but it's only a half smile at the most. 

Mikey must of heard me, replying "Bob's not really a big fan of the 'lovey dovey' shit anymore. I mean, yesterday there was an old couple holding hands on a bench, so he went and sat in the middle of them!" 

"Jesus Christ man, what happened to him?" Gerard asks. He sounded genuinely worried for the wellfare of Bob.

"Well, Bob has kind of had a crush on this girl...Lauren, I believe. But turns out she's got a girlfriend..."

"Which explains why he hates me and Frank being together..." States Gerard.

"Yeah, pretty much. Don't take it personal though, he hates all forms of love now." Mikey reassures.

"Hmph." Is all I manage, as I am deep in thought. Poor Bob, he never has been one for the ladies, and now that he's found someone he wants, she's taken.

"So!" Gerard interrupts. "The band, the next concert, we need to get Frank up to date with the new songs!"

"Oh yeah, when is the next concert?" I suddenly realise I won't have much time to learn these songs.

"3 days..." Mikey says, looking down at his awkward knees, his hair flopping gently over his face blocking our view of him.

"3 days?" I choke out, spluttering my coffee out, that I didn't realise Gerard had ordered or that I was drinking, everywhere.

"Uh, yeah." Gerard drops his head too.

I sigh. "Well come on then." I propose half heartedly. "You've got a lot to teach me."

I find it hard to stay with the words you say (I don't love you sequel)Where stories live. Discover now