Chapter 14: To your room ~ FINALE D:

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"Jamia?" I half yawn. I was drained, completely exhausted. I just wanted to sleep.
"Hm?" She was tired too. It was too much drama for her.
"What do you think are the chances of Gerard coming back to me?" I asked, looking sadly into her eyes. Her eyebrows pulled together in slight frustration, until she decided on how to answer.
"Well, Frank, he's going to be a dad," she started. I was listening intently, needing some reassurance and hoping to God that she was going to be the one to give me it. "You can't really be sure, I mean, he has priorities now. I'm sure he'll keep in touch with you. How can he not? Look at you, you're adorable. I give it a week, maybe less, and you two will be chatting away like the best friends you are."
"I hope you're right," I sigh, leaning my head back into the leather seats of Jamia's Volvo. We were on our way to my place, and I was planning to sleep as soon as I got home - well, after I'd got Jamia settled on the couch.
As she pulled up into my driveway, I was drifting off slightly. The noise of her putting the handbreak on startled me awake and I slipped out of the car, closing the door behind me as Jamia locked it and I walked to my front door to unlock it. Stepping inside was going to be the hard part. I hesitated, before sucking in a deep breath and walking into my livingroom. Gerard's ash tray was still there. One of his jumpers was laying over the arm of the sofa. I walked over and picked it up, clutching it to my chest tightly, before turning to Jamia who had followed me in, and smiling at her.
"I'll go get changed, and bring you down some blankets," I told her.
She smiled and nodded in agreement.
Once I was upstairs, I slipped off my costume from our show tonight and put Gerard's jumper on, along with some Batman pajama bottoms, and opened the cabinet in the bathroom, pulling out a few wooly blankets and a caseless pillow.
As I was walking down the stairs, I called out to Jamia. When she didn't reply, I looked into the front room to see her fast asleep on my sofa already.
I unfolded the blankets and layed them over her gently, and lifted her head to place a pillow underneath her. Then, I turned the lights out and slumped upstairs to crawl into bed, alone.

I woke up to the sound of hushed talking and the kettle boiling. The sun was beaming through the gap in my curtains, and I had a thin layer of sweat on my forehead. I was far too hot with this jumper on. I slipped it off and threw it into the washing pile on the floor.
I felt so much better today, and it worried me slightly, but I pushed the thoughts to the back of my head and walked over to look in the mirror. My face was beaming, which was strange. I turned the tap on and cupped my hands under it, filling them before splashing the cool water over my face and drying it with a rough towel, being sure to dab, and not rub. I didn't want to be blotchy.
My mind was all over the place, but all together, I felt great.
After a while of studying the stranger in the mirror, I decided I'd better go see Jamia. I had to thank her for being so understanding last night.
"Jamia?" I called, wondering who she was talking to. I could hear muffled voices from in the kitchen. Maybe she had company?
"Yeah, Frank?"
"Who's down there?"
"Uh, come down here, I've made you a coffee," she shouted after me, putting the simple question off. Shrugging, I walked down the stairs and through the living room, and reached for the handle to my kitchen door. I turned it, walking in, completely oblivious to the man sat at my kitchen table. I grabbed my coffee off Jamia, who was stood, leaning against my counter holding it out for me, and sipped it as I turned toward the corner of my small kitchen. I almost dropped my cup.
"Hey, Frank," Gerard smiled, a sad smile that hurt to look at.
I didn't respond. I couldn't do anything but swallow the coffee that was burning in my mouth and place my cup down on the counter, not taking my eyes off him for worrying that he would disappear if I did.
Eventually, I realized he was waiting for me to say something, his smile now gone, replaced with worry.
"What's he doing here?" I asked Jamia, it sounding more angry than confused.
"Well, Gerard, care to explain?" Jamia had an excited expression, and I was even more confused now. In fact, I thought I may cry, but I held it in, for my dignities sake.
I turned to Gerard, folding my arms, then unfolding them as it seemed too impatient.
"Frank," Gerard started, his voice sad and low. "Lindsey - she lied. She's not even pregnant."
I would have choked on my coffee if I hadn't put it down already.
"She - what? She's not - are you sure?"
"Yes, Frank, I'm pretty sure. Pregnant women can't take their baby bump off."
"What?" I asked again, my heart beat getting progressively faster.
"She had some sort of...thing. It was a baby bump simulator, I think. She's not pregnant, Frank. The bitch lied."
My head was pounding and my eyes were threatening to leak. I could hear my heart in my ears and I felt myself becoming faint.
"Are you going to collapse, Frank?" Gerard asked, slight worry in his voice as he got up quickly and tried to hold me upright as my legs wobbled. I backed away, refusing to look at him.
"You - you left me. You left me for her, Gerard. How can I - how? How can I trust you?" I managed to get out as I placed a hand on the counter to steady myself.
"Frank, please," Gerard's face was soft, pleading. "You know you can trust me. I love you."
With those three, simple words, I took in a stuttery breath. 
Gerard moved closer once again, and I let him. Exhaling sharply, I managed to whisper an I love you, back to him. I fell into his arms, my hands gripping his clothing painfully tight. I heard Jamia sigh behind me, and I looked over to see her smiling, a genuine smile. 
"I'll get going now," she smirked as she winked at me, before grabbing her car keys and leaving us stood in the kitchen together.
When I heard the front door close, I turned to look at Gerard, who had a wicked gleam in his eyes. He stepped closer to me and ran a hand through my hair, staring intently into my eyes. I pressed my lips to his suddenly, and he kissed back with force. His other hand was now in my hair, and my hands were roaming his body. The kiss was fierce, and as Gerard's teeth tugged on my lipring, I couldn't help but let out a whimper, before pushing him away so I could spin around to lean against the counter, and pulled him back into me, closer than before. His tongue roamed my mouth, and I felt myself getting excited as Gerard pushed himself into me slightly. 
I wanted more.
I tugged on his hair as he moved his hips against mine, and I heard him moan against my lips. I smirked, knowing I was the one causing him to make those sounds. I jumped up onto the counter and wrapped my legs around Gerard's waist, rocking my hips harder into him until he was almost thrusting. 
"Gerard," I panted against his lips. He'd pulled me from the counter now, and he was holding me up while my legs were wrapped around him, grinding into him. "Moan for me."
With my words, he let out a deep moan that made me move faster against him until he suddenly put me down. 
"Frank," he whispered, resting his forehead on mine. "It's my turn to make you moan," he smirked before pulling me upstairs and into my bedroom.
He pinned me down onto my bed, straddling me and grinding down hard into me, causing me to moan straight away. He slid his hands under my shirt, and I bite my lip at his cold touch. 
Soon enough, my shirt and pants were off, along with Gerard's in a heap on the floor, and Gerard prepared me.
"Are you ready, Frankie?" He asked, whispering in my ear and moving down to kiss my neck softly. I moaned and grinded into him more.
"Fuck me, Gerard."


Gerard wraped his arms around me and nuzzled my neck, sighing contently.
"I love you, Frankie."
"I love you too, Gerard. So much."


I'm sorry it's such a terrible and predictable ending. Like, seriously, I was so done with this fan fiction, but I used what you guys suggested and this is the outcome. I hope you all enjoyed it, and you should go read some of my other fan fictions c: I'm currently rewriting Twilight as a Frerard version, and I'm roughly five chapters in, so go check it out! It's called "Vampires will never hurt you ~ MCR version of the Twilight Saga" but just look on my profile and all of my fan fictions will be there. They're all Frerard c:


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