Chapter 7: Will this work?

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Life. I love life. I love Gerard. I love my dogs. I love coffee... "GERARD!" I scream, pouncing onto his stomach, straddling his hips with my knees. He jerks, his eyes wide with fright, hands trembling.

"WHAT?" He shreaks. He realizes it's me and pulls me into a strong hug, wrapping his arms firmly around my neck. Still laying on top of him, I pull away and look into his eyes, full of worry and fright. "I-I thought something had happened to you..." He admits, his lips curling down into a frown along with his furrowing eyebrows.

"Something did..."

"What? What happened Frank? Are you alright? Is there someone in the hou-" I cut him short with my laughter.

"I need coffee." Smirking, I remove his hands from around my neck and place both of them gently onto my cheeks, burying my face into them. I whisper "Starbucks?"

He tries to hide his smiles as I say the word. He was still worrying. "Frank, you sure there's nothing wrong? I was really worried..."

"I just told you...I need coffee. C'mon Gee, get ready!" I pull his hands off of my cheeks and wrap my hands around them, pulling him into an upright position, still straddling him. I roll off of the bed with a thud and Gerard shoots up, straight by my side, pulling me up into another bone crushing hug. I pull away once again, his eyes were full of worry again. I dust myself off and look at him.

"Geez Gerard, what's gotten into you? You're being really over-protective..."

"I just don't want to lose you again, that's all Frank." He moves in for another hug but I motion him towards the dresser to get dressed. He pats my head and walks off, picking up a few shirts off of the floor and sniffing them before tossing them into the washing pile and grabbing one of my clean ones.

"You don't mind do you?"

"Course not..." I mumble, concentrating on changing the laces on my converse. I'd been meaning to do that for a while. He pulls on one of my clean shirts that just happened to be one of his that I'd kept from a while ago... I hope he didn't notice... 

Once his pants are on and we're both ready, hand in hand we walk down the street. I only lived 6 blocks away from Starbucks, so we walked there. My neighbourhood wasn't really a fan of homosexuality, I don't know why I chose to live there. 

We got half way down the road without any names being thrown our way when...

"Oi faggots. Where d'you think you're going? Get back 'ere ya little fag, Frank."

Gerard spins around, fury covering his face. I try to hold him back but he flips me off, pushing me down onto the pavement. Obviously he didn't realise because he swung for the guy before taking a good look at him. 

He was around 6ft 9. Bulky, dark hair, pale skin, covered in scars. Wow, Gerard didn't stand a chance.

I do the first thing that comes into my head and dive onto Gee's back, causing him to flail around like a flying bird. I hold on around his neck and shush him into his ear until he hears it's only me and calms down. He pulls me around off of his back so I am clinging onto his front now and he pecks me on the lips. I kiss back for a moment before remembering the large group of angry homophobics behind us.

Shit. We're screwed. I hear them laugh, sort of an awkward laugh. Heh maybe we'll be alright after all. 


He swings, knocking me in the back of the head. I fall off of Gerard, with his failing attempts of catching me and fall onto the floor, hard. Hitting my head off of the curb knocked me unconcious. I hear Gerard snarl something at them and the shreak in pain. I try to open my eyes, before realising they were open, but I couldn't see anything. Everything was black. I reach out for him. To touch him...and that's all I remember.

I find it hard to stay with the words you say (I don't love you sequel)Where stories live. Discover now