→ Chapter 4 // cookie theif

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"Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies." // Aristotle

• Alexis Anderson

"Oh really? Why is he down there
looking for a Crystal"

Her dark forest green eyes open widely at her older brother ,

"it could be another Crystal" she hinted with a nervous chuckle

Cole goes to scream at his sister when he gets interrupted,

"where is she!" A deep voice boomed
from downstairs

"Crystal go"
I turn to her with a scared look not knowing what the alpha downstairs would do if he didn't see mate quickly

She nods and stands up, when she goes to grab the gold door knob, the door swings open to reveal a tall man in his 20s. He had short slicked back blonde hair and light brown eyes, with tattoos covering his arms and neck.

It was Rylan hall.
The alpha of the light pack.

 The alpha of the light pack

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(Dylan Sprouts as Rylan💕)

Do all alphas have tattoos? Like every alpha I have seen does?

Rylan grabs her by the waist pulling her protectively to him, Making me growl and lunge at him, but Cole stops me.

"Chill out Luna Alexis, I can't hug my lovely mate?" He smirks at me

"Only if you don't hurt her. Or I'll cut your balls off and shove them down your throat" I growl out making him loose his smirk

"Hey Cole, can I have some alone time with my mate" Ryaln suggested kissing the top of Crystal head making her blush

Awwww I've never seen her like this

"Okay but I'm watching you" Cole taunted him giving a look meaning 'don't mess with me'

"Trust me I will never let my mate get hurt by me or anyone "

Cole just nods before he grabs my hand leading me out of Crystal's room

"Do you trust him?" I asked Cole tracing the tattoos on his arms as I lean against the hallway wall

"I don't know Alexis, I trust Crystal to do the right thing. We all know
I don't fuck with Rylan"

"I know but you have to get along with him; he's your sister's mate"

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