→ Chapter 35// birthday boy

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"The sweetest of all sounds is that
of the voice of the woman we love."
//Jean de la Bruyere

Alexis Anderson Chance

[3 weeks later]

"Damn you got thick."

I turned to Crystal to see her feeding Hadlee who sat in a high chair next to the kitchen counter, shoving her fingers into her mouth. I just glared at my friend before turning back to continue to stir the large bowl of brownie mix in front of me.

"Are you sure your not pregnant?" Crystal pipes feeding her another spoon of baby food to her young daughter

She's been trying to convince me I'm
pregnant ever since the wedding;

I laughed softly at her accusation shaking my head making my chocolate curls bounce, "No, I don't think so--I mean a baby right now won't be bad, but Cole is gone most of the time at meetings across the country sometimes and I don't want to be a single mom."

Cole was currently in Orlando, Florida in a large meeting, also Rylan was with him.

"Your a way better mother than me, you need to calm down and stop stressing-- you don't even know if your pregnant."

I quickly nod my head pouring the mix into the pan before placing it in the hot oven before closing the door, I placed my head into my hands taking a shakily breathe.

"I don't know what to do."
What if the same thing happens again when I was pregnant with Luna?

"Take a pregnancy test duh! I have a few in my bathroom let's go!" Crystal hinted to me: I smile and nod before picking up Hadlee making her squeal in laughter as I tickled her stomach laughing. I placed her bottle into her hands and she instinctively
placed into her mouth.

I followed Crystal up the stairs and into her room then to her bathroom, I sat on the toilet seat watching as she searched through the cabinet before taking out 4 boxes.

"Here while you pee on it ,
I'll burp and put Hadlee to sleep."
She ordered picking up her daughter closing the door behind her leaving me in the large bathroom alone staring at the boxes of pregnancy test on the counter.

I groan before grabbing all of the boxes prying them open before starting to pee on the sticks and placing them on the counter. I flushed the toilet before washing my hands in the sink and sitting on the bathroom floor waiting for my iPhone alarm to go off.

Many thoughts ran through my mind at once, staring at the large diamond ring on my finger shining under the bathroom light;

Am I pregnant?

Will Cole be mad?

What if I have another miscarriage?

Will this baby be safe?

The loud phone alarm rang through the bathroom breaking me out of my thoughts. I turned it off before standing up and prepare myself to look at the test.

I open my eyes and took all 4 of the test shakily into my coffee hands,
I choked at the sign on each test.


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