→ Chapter 24 // late night reminiscing

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""The best love is the kind that awakens the soul; that makes us reach for more, that plants the fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. That's what I hope to give you forever."//The Notebook 

Alexis Anderson

"Welcome home Alex!"
Bryan cheered opening the apartment door revealing a massive beautiful apartment

"Woah." I whispered in awe slowly closing the door behind me and following him into the apartment he owned in the city.

Damn this place is nice.
I didn't know Bryan was rich.

"Sorry it's a little messy?" He apologized running his hands through his thick dyed grey locks nervously looking down
at his black chelsea boots

"Messy? This place is squeaky clean." I laughed sitting across from him making him blush

"I'm kinda of a neat freak." He chuckled softly making me smile back at him

"Same here; so it works out good."

"Let me show you to your room, I bet your tired from having a long day today."
He motioned for me to follow him

I did have a long day.

I tightened my grip on my large duffle bag full of clothes and the rest of my stuff from Cole's room. My eyes wondered around the expensive apartment as we continue our way to guest room I was staying in.

"Here's you room." Bryan stated making me snap out of my little day dream

"Oh my god thank you so much for letting me stay here, I really appreciate it. I'll be out of here as soon as I find my own place--"

"Take as long as you need." Bryan smiled making me drop my bad and hug him tightly; the smell of cigarettes and expensive cologne invaded me making me calm

"Thank you."

"My room is down the hall, Good night." He told me pulling away from the hug

I open the large bedroom door, "Good Night."

Bryan smiles bright at me before disappearing down the long hallway. I shuffle slowly into the room,closing the door behind me.

I stop in my track as soon as I examine the bedroom. My breathe gets caught in my throat at the beautiful view of the city in front of me .

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