→Chapter 20 // late parties

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"Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye." // H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

• Alexis Anderson

"I don't know why but I've been feeling like this aching feeling in my chest, like my heart is being pulled out slowly"

"Maybe it's because your nervous. Your wedding is tomorrow afternoon"

Crystal shrugged with her forest green eyes fixated on the dark road in front of us as she drove to the hotel where we rented the top floor for my bachelorette party.

She's probably right, I'm so nervous.

"Who's watching Hadlee?" I asked her while picking at the clear wrapping for my  tattoo

"My parents are watching her since Rylan and I
aren't going to be there--shit!
That tattoo looks hella nice"

"I know right, Cole has the same one on his chest right above his heart."
I smile at the thought of my fiancé

"What date is that--Is that my birthday date?!
I feel so honored"

"It's our wedding date" I laughed at
my cocky friend in the driver seat

"Rylan was talking about having a tattoo
of my face on his ass"

I gagged just imaging it , "Are you serious?"

"I actually think it's pretty sexy and charming"

I just ignore her not wanting to hear the details and just watch the beautiful sunset out the window. My phone vibrates making me pick it up and turn it on.

Cole 🍆💞:
Hope you have fun tonight. You better not be riding someone else's dick!😡

I'm not dummy! Same goes to you🖕🏿

Cole 🍆💞:
We both know I'm faithful baby!💕

I smile at his text message.

I actually really do trust Cole,
he'll never cheat on me.
I know it in my heart.

"Damn, this place looks expensive! Thank god I'm not paying." Crystal chimed
pulling up to the valet

The Valet workers open the doors for us,
I quickly thank the man

"You welcome Luna." The man smiled at me

"What the hell! Why is Valet so expensive?" Crystal yelled at the other Valet worker
next to her.

The women looked at her nervously,
"Ma'am we always charged this much."

I sighed walking up to the valet women ,
"I'll pay "

Crystal always has to make a huge scene everywhere we go.

I hand her the money before pulling her into the hotel. We both awed at the beautiful inside, there was intricate beautiful paintings everywhere and statues around the lobby.

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