→ Chapter 37// always be there

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" You find strength in knowing you have a true friend and possibly a soul mate who will remain loyal to the end. Life seems completely different, exciting and worthwhile. Your only hope and security is in knowing that they are a part of your life."
// Bob Marley

Alexis Anderson Chance

"Well your going to have.."

Cole squeezed my hand tighter in his, starting to grow uneasy wondering what sex of his
pup will be.

"Wait something is strange , Alpha." Doctor said making my heart drop instantly

Cole quickly let go of my hand and pointing it at the doctors growling at her, "What the hell are you talking about!"

"Alpha, there is two babies. 2 boys congratulations!"She squealed making my mouth drop at her words,

My head snaps to the computer screen, seeing that the doctor moved the wand to a different position on my stomach

My head snaps to the computer screen, seeing that the doctor moved the wand to a different position on my stomach

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"Two babies."Cole muttered before swaying slightly then dropping onto the hospital floor in a heap:unconscious

"Well he seems happy." I stifled in laughter at my knocked at husband

"You probably want pictures so I'll go grab them for you; also I'll grab some vitamins you'll need to keep them healthy."

"Thank you so much!" I smiled at her as she stepped over a limp Cole and
disappeared out the door

I sighed greeting off the hospital bench carefully, bending down next to Cole. I slapped his face gently but he didn't wake up.

"Cole , Come on wake up silly."I giggled seeing him twitch but not opening his eyes

"Cole get up--ow shit!" I groan as I start feeling a spasm in my back, Cole's eyes quickly open to see me in distress. He swiftly picked me up and place me on the bench/bed.

"Damn it Alex." He hissed rubbing my back making it feel better

"Sorry I was trying to wake up
my knocked out husband." I laughed at him
Making him roll his eyes

"So what are we having? I passed out before she said the genders of the twins."

I smirked at him, "2 boys."

His face instantly brighten and he lunged at pulled me into a tight hug, but still being carefully because of my small bump

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