→ Chapter 21 // get ready

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"True love is like ghosts, which everyone talks about and few have seen. "
//Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Alexis Anderson

"You look like shit."

"Thanks Alex. I thought I look like a Queen"
Crystal groans with her head laying against the cold toilet seat after another round of vomit

"I told you to not do those body shots on all of those strippers."
I jeered holding back her chocolate locks as she vomited again into the toilet bowl

"We will never speak about
yesterday ever again" She hissed

"Trust me, I won't."

"Fuck, it's time for Hadlee's nap"

"Isn't it too early for her nap?"
I asked helping Crystal from the floor and flushing the toilet

"It's so she won't be so fussy
during the wedding."
She explained wiping her mouth with a paper towel , I nod understanding

"Fuck, it's back." She roar before falling back into the ground throwing up more chunks into the toilet bowl

"I'll put Hadlee to sleep and
I'll get you some aspirin when I'm done."

"Your such an amazing friend, I'm so happy to have you."

"I know." I smiled making her roll her green eyes at me with a small smile

I walk out of Crystal's bathroom into her room where Hadlee was playing quietly with a little brown teddy bear and other toys
in a small playpen.

I quietly awe as I see her giggle softly at the many toys surrounding her.
Most of them were from me, which were suppose to be for Luna; but I'm glad they could
be in good use and not wasted.

I gently pick her up and hold her gently as I walk toward the small rocking chair in the corner of the room. I quietly sit down and smile at the little baby in my arms.

The few weeks old baby gave me a toothless smile as I softly run a thumb gently across her chubby redden cheek, I still imagine her as if she was Luna.

Hadlee had Crystal's dark forest green eyes and had Rylan's hair and features. She was always quiet- Hadlee never cried unless she needed to be changed, fed, etc.

I chuckle softly as I see that she wore a white onesie saying Mommy's Angel.

I quickly rock her back and forth while softly humming a song until I start to notice her dozing off in my arms. Her large green eyes start to droop and slowly close; her thin pale pink lips where slightly hanging open as she started to give into her slumber .

I carefully stand up and place her into the mahogany crib next to me. I smile at her as tears start to fill up my eyes.

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